Student Profile


Students Strength Classwise & year wise

CLASS SUBJECT 2023-24 2022-23 2021-22 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-19
FYBSc Physics 95 83 102 118 82 132
SYBSc Physics 15 33 22 15 06 20
TYBSc Physics 20 12



CLASS SUBJECT 2022-23 2021-22 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-19
FYBSc PHY-121 Heat & Thermodynamics 94.64 95.83 93.93 100 57.79
PHY-122 Electricity and Magnetism 96.42 96.87 92.92 100 52.29
PHY-123 Physics Lab-1B 94.64 100 100 100 83.48
SYBSc PHY-241 Oscillns Waves & Sound 53.12 100 100 100 85
PHY-242 Optics 100 100 100 100 95
PHY-243Physics Lab-2B 100 94.11 100 100 100
TYBSc PHY-361 Solid state Physics 100
PHY-362 Quantum Mech. 100
PHY-363 Thermodynamics 100
PHY-364 Nuclear Physics 100
PHY-365 Electronics-II 100
PHY-366 Renewable ES-II 100
PHY-367 Physics Lab-4B 100
PHY-368 Physics Lab-4B 100
PHY-369 Project-II 100
PHY-3610 Appln of IoT 100
PHY-3611 Microcontrollers 91.66



Student Achievements

Two students went on to higher education for M.Sc