AQAR 2018-19


Yearly Status Report – 2018-2019


Part A
Data of the Institution



Dr. Pandurang Raghunath Bhabad Principal


Name of the head of the Institution




Does the Institution function from own campus


Phone no/Alternate Phone no.


Mobile no.


Registered Email

Alternate Email
Address Near Take Ghoti, Mumbai agra Road, Tal. Igatpuri, Dist. Nashik, Pin-422403.
City/Town Igatpuri
State/UT Maharashtra





2. Institutional Status


Affiliated / Constituent


Type of Institution




Financial Status

Self financed and grant-in-aid

Name of the IQAC co-ordinator/Director

Mr. Shaktising Sanjaysing Pardeshi

Phone no/Alternate Phone no.


Mobile no.

Registered Email
Alternate Email

3. Website Address


Web-link of the AQAR: (Previous Academic Year) AQAR_2017-18.pdf


4. Whether Academic Calendar prepared during the year


if yes,whether it is uploaded in the institutional website: Weblink : acal/Academic-Calender-2018-19.pdf

5. Accrediation Details

6. Date of Establishment of IQAC

Cycle Grade CGPA Year of Accrediation Validity
Period From Period To
1 B+ 78.5 2004 12-Feb-2004 11-Feb-2009
2 B 2.52 2012 13-Feb-2012 13-Feb-2017
3 B 2.41 2019 28-Feb-2019 27-Feb-2024




7. Internal Quality Assurance System


8. Provide the list of funds by Central/ State Government- UGC/CSIR/DST/DBT/ICMR/TEQIP/World Bank/CPE of UGC etc.


9. Whether composition of IQAC as per latest NAAC guidelines:

Upload latest notification of formation of IQAC View File

10. Number of IQAC meetings held during the year :

The minutes of IQAC meeting and compliances to the decisions have been uploaded on the institutional website No
Upload the minutes of meeting and action taken report No Files Uploaded !!!
11. Whether IQAC received funding from any of the funding agency to support its activities during the year? No
Quality initiatives by IQAC during the year for promoting quality culture
Item /Title of the quality initiative by IQAC Date & Duration Number of participants/ beneficiaries
Marathi Bhasha Sanvardhan Pandharwada 01-Jan-2019


Yoga and Meditation Camp 01-Jun-2018


Medical Check up Camp 20-Oct-2018


Two days National Conference on Research Methodology and Management 15-Feb-2019


Workshop on Use of ICT in Teaching for Slow and Advance Learners 15-Feb-2019


View File


Institution/Departmen t/Faculty Scheme Funding Agency Year of award with duration Amount
Institution NSQF Community College Courses UGC 2018


View File



12.  Significant contributions made by IQAC during the current year(maximum five bullets)


Apply for the NSQF community college course to the UGC and started One community college courses sponsored by UGC


Two days Workshop on Use of ICT in Teaching for Slow and Advance Learners Two days National Conference on Research Methodology and Management

Yoga and Meditation Camp


Marathi Bhasha Sanvardhan Pandharwada



View File


13. Plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the academic year towards Quality Enhancement and outcome achieved by the end of the academic year



Plan of Action Achivements/Outcomes
Encouraged the Faculty member to participate in Seminar, Worhshops etc. Faculty member of the college participated in seminar, workshop and also presented research papers.
To start new Co-curricular and Extra- curricular activities Department of Computer Science started the Basic Computer Application course.
To making different playground inside college. Construction of new playground for various competation like Kabbadi, Kho- Kho, Handball and Vollyball.
To construct jogging track Construction the 200 mtr jogging track
Workshop Physic department organized Workshop on Use of ICT in Teaching for Slow and Advance Learners
To start the skill enhancement courses One Skill Based community college courses sponsored by UGC has been started in the college
Seminar and Workshop Commerce department organized Two days National Conference on Research Methodology and Management
View File



  1. Whether AQAR was placed before statutory body ?




Name of Statutory Body Meeting Date
Management. 22-Nov-2019



15. Whether NAAC/or any other accredited body(s) visited IQAC or interacted with it to assess the functioning ?


Date of Visit


16. Whether institutional data submitted to AISHE:


Year of Submission


Date of Submission


17. Does the Institution have Management Information System ?

If yes, give a brief descripiton and a list of modules currently operational (maximum 500 words) The institution has centralized erp software for meritbased admission, scholarship, library system and examination. Institution has developed a website as for student to fill the merit form within stipulated period, after the filling merit form institution generate merit list and is play it on website. The admission form generates automatically by the software of those student includes in the merit list. The data of merit form transfer automatically to the admission software. Once the student admitted to the college his data transfer to the library software, where the identity card of student generates. The student can use unique id generated by the software to borrow the books from central library. The admission data also transfer to the eligibility, scholarship and examination software. The admission data send to the university through eligibility software, with the help of that data University provides the unique eligibility number to the admitted students. The data of the students admitted in the college in various category sent to the government for various scholarships through the scholarship software, with the help of that data government provides the scholarships to the students. The data of the students also sent to the examination software, which generate the unique seat number of the firstyear


students. MIS generates various reports that are useful to the Management, Principal and Office for further decisions making. The college collects IQAC data and feedback through google forms which helps in further improvement of MIS. Feedback from students, alumni and parent collects with help of google forms uploaded on college website. MIS Modules currently used: ? College website

– ? Admission website – ? erp software for admission ? erp software of library ? Erp software of examination ? Google forms of feedback

? Google forms of IQAC data collection


Part B


1.1 – Curriculum Planning and Implementation
1.1.1 – Institution has the mechanism for well planned curriculum delivery and documentation. Explain in 500 words
Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj’s, K. P. G. Arts, Commerce and Science College, Igatpuri is affiliated to the SPP University, Pune. The College implements the curriculum of the pune university. The curriculum and the syllabus is designed by the board of studies of the university. The members of BoS and teachers from the affiliated colleges shape the syllabus.The syllabus is put forth by the teachers and students to overcome the loophole. The teachers, students, experts and social institute give comments and suggestions after the discussion on it.

In the beginning of the academic year , teachers call the meeting and in this meeting discuss the overall activities which run throughout the year and according to this prepare the academic calendar. The co-curricular and extra curricular activities are organised according to academic calendar. The academic year begins with the academic planning of the year. Every department prepared the teaching notes. The syllabus was taught with the help of ICT based teaching tools like smart boards, projector and software etc. Some of the topics and subjects of various faculties are taught by practicals.The practicals are completed by the different methods like field visit or study tours to different places. The evaluation of the students is done through the term end exam, annual, internal and practical exams. Simultaneously the evaluation is done by home assignments, tasks, projects and field visits. We take the feedback on curriculum through an online system, such feedback taken from students and ex-students, parents and teachers. The feedback is analysed later on . the information of the co-curricular and extra curricular activities in the year recorded in the teaching dairy. The records of the evaluation of the projects, practicals, internal , oral exam, annual exam , term end exam and home assignments are submitted to the exam department by the respective departments. . All the classes converted into ICT based classes to implement a programme related to syllabus.the college has made a avail computer with internet in computer department and library for the students.The information and notice are displayed through the digital notice board and media.

1.1.2 – Certificate/ Diploma Courses introduced during the academic year



  Certificate Diploma Courses Dates of Introduction Duration Focus on employ ability/entreprene urship Skill Development
IT and Soft Skill for Employbility Enhancement 02/09/2018 180 Understand Communicatio need of comm    n expert,

unication    Personality and basic    development, computer      Customer

knowledge,      service able to

interact with skill c ommunication and positive attitude, enough knowledge of custom service.

–        Travel and Tour


02/09/2018 450 Understand needs of customers and act as travel advisor, adequate knowledge of hotels avalibility at various location, knowledge of various travel routes Travel guide, advisor, travel booking agent
1.2 – Academic Flexibility
1.2.1 – New programmes/courses introduced during the academic year
  Programme/Course Programme Specialization Dates of Introduction
No Data Entered/Not Applicable !!!  
View File
1.2.2 – Programmes in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)/Elective course system implemented at the affiliated Colleges (if applicable) during the academic year.
  Name of programmes adopting CBCS Programme Specialization Date of implementation of CBCS/Elective Course System
No Data Entered/Not Applicable !!!  
1.2.3 – Students enrolled in Certificate/ Diploma Courses introduced during the year
    Certificate   Diploma Course
Number of Students 50   50
1.3 – Curriculum Enrichment
1.3.1 – Value-added courses imparting transferable and life skills offered during the year


1.3.2 – Field Projects / Internships under taken during the year
1.4 – Feedback System
1.4.1 – Whether structured feedback received from all the stakeholders.
1.4.2 – How the feedback obtained is being analyzed and utilized for overall development of the institution? (maximum 500 words)
Feedback Obtained

The feedback on syllabus taken through the online system in the college. The feedback taken from the students, parents , alumni and teachers. The department wise and subject wise feedback is collected from students, parents and teachers. The feedback is used to check whether the changes in the syllabus is received by informed students. The college follows all the rules and regulations related to the exam during the examination period. The teaching of the teacher and the internal evaluation by the students is checked by the college. The teacher and the college organized various programmes to show various skills and talents of the students. The utility and evaluation of National Service Scheme, National Cadet Corps, Earn and Learn Scheme and Student Welfare Scheme is done through the feedback from students. The information related to employment, library, , computer and internet facility is taken through the feedback from students, alumni and parents. The feedback is taken through the google form system on IQAC mail. Later on feedback is analysed by the IQAC Cell members and the principal of the college. The appropriate action is taken after the analysis of the feedback. The same information is displayed on the college website for the society.

2.1 – Student Enrolment and Profile
2.1.1 – Demand Ratio during the year
Value Added Courses Date of Introduction Number of Students Enrolled
Basic Computer Application 15/08/2018 55
Yoga and Meditation 01/06/2018 50
Soft skill Development Program 05/09/2018 60
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Project/Programme Title Programme Specialization No. of students enrolled for Field Projects / Internships
BA Environmental Education 220
BCom Environmental Education 150
BSc Environmental Education 65
MCom Research methodology for Business 29
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Students Yes
Teachers Yes
Alumni Yes
Parents Yes



2.2 – Catering to Student Diversity
2.2.1 – Student – Full time teacher ratio (current year data)
2.3 – Teaching – Learning Process
2.3.1 – Percentage of teachers using ICT for effective teaching with Learning Management Systems (LMS), E- learning resources etc. (current year data)
2.3.2 – Students mentoring system available in the institution? Give details. (maximum 500 words)
Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj’s K.P.G. Arts, Commerce and Science College, Igatpuri has its unique methods of student mentorship. The teacher is appointed as the mentor for each class. The teacher mentor works on the difficulties of the students in curricular and extra curricular activities. The teacher mentor also helps and guides the students to fill up the online admission form and scholarship forms. The college selects and appoints a student as class representative for each class. The selection is based on the merit of the previous academic year so the topper students appointed as the class representative of the respective class. The class representative plays an important role in solving the problem of students at their level best. The unsolved and critical problem brought in front of the teacher mentor or the college principal. The senior students of second year and third year always guide the newcomers in the college. The NSS programme officer, NCC programme officer and various appointed teachers other than teaching also guide the students and run various activities related to co-curricular and extra-curricular. The alumni committee of the college always makes efforts to get maximum facilities to the students and the college.
2.4 – Teacher Profile and Quality
2.4.1 – Number of full time teachers appointed during the year
Name of the Programme Programme Specialization Number of seats available Number of Application received Students Enrolled
BA BA 720 759 759
BCom BCom 600 473 514
BSc BSc Chemistry 360 249 249
MA Marathi 120 27 27
MCom MCom 120 58 58
MA Economics 120 44 44
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Year Number of students enrolled in the institution (UG) Number of students enrolled in the institution (PG) Number of fulltime teachers available in the institution teaching only UG courses Number of fulltime teachers available in the institution teaching only PG courses Number of teachers teaching both UG and PG courses
2018 1540 129 18 19 19


Number of Teachers on Roll Number of teachers using ICT (LMS, e-


ICT Tools and resources available Number of ICT enabled Classrooms Numberof smart classrooms E-resources and techniques used
40 30 102 8 4 6
View File of ICT Tools and resources
View File of E-resources and techniques used


Number of students enrolled in the institution Number of fulltime teachers Mentor : Mentee Ratio
1669 19 1: 104



2.4.2 – Honours and recognition received by teachers (received awards, recognition, fellowships at State, National, International level from Government, recognised bodies during the year )
2.5 – Evaluation Process and Reforms
2.5.1 – Number of days from the date of semester-end/ year- end examination till the declaration of results during the year
2.5.2 – Reforms initiated on Continuous Internal Evaluation(CIE) system at the institutional level (250 words)
Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj’s K.P.G. Arts, Commerce and Science College, Igatpuri do continuous evaluation of the students. There is a term end exam for the B.A./B.Com students. This exam has a weightage of 20 marks. This exam is helpful to complete preliminary preparation of the annual and final exam. The question paper of term end exams of arts and commerce faculty are set at parent institute level. For the science and computer science department there are 10 marks internal examinations. This exam is conducted before the semester exam.

The environmental awareness taught to the second year students of all faculties. Under the curriculum of this subject the student has to do a project, field visit. In Spite of this the students are guided for study tour, project and field visit, oral, tutorials and presentation and then evaluated by the teacher. The skill of the student identified and guided them to develop through the programme organised in college campus and outside the college campus. At the end of the academic year a annual prize distribution ceremony is organized in which the students, teachers and non-teaching staff with good academic performance are honoured with prizes.

2.5.3 – Academic calendar prepared and adhered for conduct of Examination and other related matters (250 words)
Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj’s K.P.G. Arts, Commerce and Science College, Igatpuri makes planning at the very initial stage of the academic year
No. of sanctioned positions No. of filled positions Vacant positions Positions filled during the current year No. of faculty with Ph.D
28 19 9 0 5


Year of Award Name of full time teachers receiving awards from state level, national level, international level Designation Name of the award, fellowship, received from Government or recognized bodies
2019 Prof. Devidas Narayan Giri Associate Professor Igatpuri Tahsil Sahitya Mandal, Igatpuri
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Programme Name Programme Code Semester/ year Last date of the last semester-end/ year- end examination Date of declaration of results of semester- end/ year- end examination
BA 1 Annual 10/04/2019 19/06/2019
BCom 2 Annual 29/03/2019 07/06/2019
BSc 3 Semester 12/04/2019 28/06/2019
MA 4 Semester 04/05/2019 06/07/2019
MA 5 Semester 04/05/2019 06/07/2019
MCom 6 Semester 04/05/2019 09/07/2019
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regarding teaching, learning and assessment as follows. The planning is done at the beginning of the academic year through the meeting of the teachers. The academic calendar is prepared at the beginning of the academic year . ( The academic year starts with the preparation of the academic calendar.) The teacher prepares their teaching plans. Every teacher makes a recording of teaching / learning assessment and the programme other than the syllabus. The college conducts exam as per the timetable of the pune university.the college has its own exsm department and exam committee. The members of the exam committee conduct the internal and external exams and evaluation as per the stipulated time given by the pune university. The assessment of practical exams is done by the internal and external examiners. In the college oral exams are conducted by the exam department from respective teachers.
2.6 – Student Performance and Learning Outcomes
2.6.1 – Program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomes for all programs offered by the institution are stated and displayed in website of the institution (to provide the weblink) Dpdk/edit?usp=sharing
2.6.2 – Pass percentage of students
2.7 – Student Satisfaction Survey
2.7.1 – Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance (Institution may design the questionnaire) (results and details be provided as weblink)
3.1 – Resource Mobilization for Research
3.1.1 – Research funds sanctioned and received from various agencies, industry and other organisations
  Nature of the Project Duration Name of the funding agency Total grant sanctioned Amount received during the year
Total 00 NIL 0 0
View File
Programme Code Programme Name Programme Specialization Number of students appeared in the final year examination Number of students passed in final year examination Pass Percentage
1 BA Marathi 14 10 85.71%
2 BA Hindi 24 22 91.67%
3 BA English 20 18 90%
4 BA Economics 32 16 50.00%
5 BA Political Science 39 37 94.87%
6 BA Geography 22 22 100%
7 BCom BCom 104 22 23.07%
8 BSc Chemistry 49 24 46.93%
9. MA Marathi 12 11 86.00%
10 MCom MCom 22 20 90.90%
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3.2 – Innovation Ecosystem

  • – Workshops/Seminars Conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-Academia Innovative practices during the year


Title of workshop/seminar Name of the Dept. Date
NIL NIL 03/06/2019
  • – Awards for Innovation won by Institution/Teachers/Research scholars/Students during the year


Title of the innovation Name of Awardee Awarding Agency Date of award Category
NIL NIL NIL 03/06/2019 NIL
View File
  • – No. of Incubation centre created, start-ups incubated on campus during the year


Incubation Center Name Sponsered By Name of the Start-up Nature of Start- up Date of Commencement
NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 03/06/2019
View File

3.3 – Research Publications and Awards

  • – Incentive to the teachers who receive recognition/awards


State National International
0 0 0
  • – Ph. Ds awarded during the year (applicable for PG College, Research Center)


Name of the Department Number of PhD’s Awarded
Geography 1
  • – Research Publications in the Journals notified on UGC website during the year


Type Department Number of Publication Average Impact Factor (if any)
International Chemistry 10 00
International Physics 4 00
International Geography 1 00
International English 2 00
View File
  • – Books and Chapters in edited Volumes / Books published, and papers in National/International Conference Proceedings per Teacher during the year


Department Number of Publication
Economics 3
English 2
Commerce 2
Physics 4
Chemistry 10
View File
  • – Bibliometrics of the publications during the last Academic year based on average citation index in Scopus/ Web of Science or PubMed/ Indian Citation Index



  Title of the Paper Name of Author Title of journal Year of publication Citation Index Institutional affiliation as mentioned in the publication Number of citations excluding self citation
A simple and efficient one pot synthesis of 2, 4 di oxopyrimid ine carbon itrile and 4-oxo-2-th ioxopyrimi dine carbo nitrile de rivatives using ammonium chloride under solvent free … Dr. M.R.


Indian Journal of Chemistry Section -B 2018 1 Savitribai Phule Pune University

, Pune

A simple and efficient one pot synthesis of 2, 4 di oxopyrimid ine carbon itrile and 4-oxo-2-th ioxopyrimi dine carbo nitrile de rivatives using ammonium chloride under solvent free … Dr. D. D.


Indian Journal of Chemistry Section -B 2018 1 Savitribai Phule Pune University

, Pune

View File
3.3.6 – h-Index of the Institutional Publications during the year. (based on Scopus/ Web of science)
  Title of the Paper Name of Author Title of journal Year of publication h-index Number of citations excluding self citation Institutional affiliation as mentioned in the publication
A simple and efficient one pot synthesis Dr. M.R.


Indian Journal of Chemistry Section -B 2018 1 1 Savitribai Phule Pune University

, Pune


  of 2, 4 di oxopyrimid ine carbon itrile and 4-oxo-2-th ioxopyrimi dine carbo nitrile de rivatives using ammonium chloride under solvent free …            
A simple and efficient one pot synthesis of 2, 4 di oxopyrimid ine carbon itrile and 4-oxo-2-th ioxopyrimi dine carbo nitrile de rivatives using ammonium chloride under solvent free … Dr. D. D.


Indian Journal of Chemistry Section -B 2018 1 1 Savitribai Phule Pune University

, Pune

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3.3.7 – Faculty participation in Seminars/Conferences and Symposia during the year :
  Number of Faculty International National State Local
Attended/Semina rs/Workshops 5 18 6 0
Presented papers 6 16 4 0
Resource persons 0 0 0 0
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3.4 – Extension Activities
3.4.1 – Number of extension and outreach programmes conducted in collaboration with industry, community and Non- Government Organisations through NSS/NCC/Red cross/Youth Red Cross (YRC) etc., during the year
  Title of the activities Organising unit/agency/ collaborating agency Number of teachers participated in such activities Number of students participated in such activities
International Yoga 7 Mah. Bn. NCC, 8 300


Day Nashik, NSS, SDO    
Tree plantation at college campus NCC, NSS, SDO,

Botany Department

10 236
Campus Cleaning Program 7 Mah. Bn. NCC, Nashik, NCC, NSS,


10 250
Blood Donation Camp Medical College, Adgoan, Nashik 15 36
Red Rebin Club Hemoglobin (HB) Chech up Red Rebin Club, Rural Hospital , Ghoti 4 80
Ekata Daud NCC, NSS, SDO 4 120
Gandhi Jayanti Cleanliness Programme at Gavdevi Lake NCC, NSS, SDO 4 120
Sanvidhan Day NSS, SDO, Political Science Tahsil Office, Igatpuri 10 220
Road safety Programme 7 Mah. Bn. NCC, Nashik National

Highway Authority of India.

22 180
Disaster Management SPPU, Pune , 7 Mah.

Bn. NCC, Nashik

12 235
View File
  • – Awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government and other recognized bodies during the year


Name of the activity Award/Recognition Awarding Bodies Number of students Benefited
View File
  • – Students participating in extension activities with Government Organisations, Non-Government Organisations and programmes such as Swachh Bharat, Aids Awareness, Gender Issue, during the year


Name of the scheme Organising unit/Agen cy/collaborating agency Name of the activity Number of teachers participated in such activites Number of students participated in such activites
Yoga and Meditation 7 Mah. Bn. NCC, Nashik, NSS,


Yoga and Meditation 8 300
Campus Cleaning Program 7 Mah. Bn. NCC, Nashik, NCC,


Campus Cleaning Program 10 250
Blood Donation Camp Medical College, Adgoan, Nashik Blood Donation 15 36
Red Rebin Club Hemoglobin (HB) Check up Red Rebin Club, Rural Hospital

, Ghoti

Hemoglobin (HB) Chech up 4 80


Road safety Programme 7 Mah. Bn. NCC, Nashik National

Highway Authority of India.

Road safety 22 180
HIV Testing under RRC Red Rebin Club, Rural Hospital

, Ghoti

HIV Testing 4 130
Earn and Learn Scheme SPPU, Pune Earn and Learn 2 49
Nirbhay Kanya Abhiyan SPPU, Pune Nirbhay Kanya Abhiyan 5 65
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3.5 – Collaborations

  • – Number of Collaborative activities for research, faculty exchange, student exchange during the year


Nature of activity Participant Source of financial support Duration
View File
  • – Linkages with institutions/industries for internship, on-the- job training, project work, sharing of research facilities etc. during the year


Nature of linkage Title of the linkage Name of the partnering institution/ industry

/research lab with contact details

Duration From Duration To Participant
NIL NIL NIL 04/03/2018 03/06/2019 00
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  • – MoUs signed with institutions of national, international importance, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc. during the year


Organisation Date of MoU signed Purpose/Activities Number of students/teachers participated under MoUs
Mahindra Mahindra Company, Igatpuri 01/07/2018 Laboratory Infrastructure 5
Rural Hospital Ghoti 27/06/2018 Making awerness at ground level for fight against HIV- AIDS. 250
Multiple Institution and IQAC 27/06/2018 Cooperation, Promotion and Networking of IQAC 16
Nashik Engineering Cluster 27/06/2018 IT and Soft Skill for Employbility Enhancement 66
Tahsil office , Igatpuri 15/06/2018 To organizied various 300


    competation, Awerness in student about voter registration  
Choudhary Yatra Company, Pvt. LtD., Nashik 27/06/2018 Travel guide, advisor, travel booking agent 66
Winner Software Pvt. LtD. 01/01/2018 IT and Soft Skill 50
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4.1 – Physical Facilities

  • – Budget allocation, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during the year


Budget allocated for infrastructure augmentation Budget utilized for infrastructure development
5638764 5838764
  • – Details of augmentation in infrastructure facilities during the year


Facilities Existing or Newly Added
Classrooms with Wi-Fi OR LAN Existing
Number of important equipments purchased (Greater than 1-0 lakh)

during the current year

Newly Added
Value of the equipment purchased during the year (rs. in lakhs) Newly Added
Seminar halls with ICT facilities Newly Added
Classrooms with LCD facilities Newly Added
Seminar Halls Newly Added
Laboratories Existing
Class rooms Existing
Campus Area Existing
Others Newly Added
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4.2 – Library as a Learning Resource

  • – Library is automated {Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)}


Name of the ILMS software Nature of automation (fully or patially) Version Year of automation
IT Soft. Auto LIB Software Fully IT Soft. (Version 2017
  • – Library Services


Library Service Type Existing Newly Added Total
Text Books 13250 384732 1791 217726 15041 602458
Reference Books 10678 1957171 260 15140 10938 1972311


e-Books 3135000 5900 3135000 5900 6270000 11800
Journals 41 32360 27 26402 68 58762
e-Journals 6000 5900 6000 5900 12000 11800
Digital Database 0 0 0 0 0 0
CD & Video 0 0 3 0 3 0
Others(spe cify) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Library Automation 0 0 1 30000 1 30000
Weeding (hard & soft) 4681 182611 0 0 4681 182611
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  • – E-content developed by teachers such as: e-PG- Pathshala, CEC (under e-PG- Pathshala CEC (Under Graduate) SWAYAM other MOOCs platform NPTEL/NMEICT/any other Government initiatives & institutional (Learning Management System (LMS) etc


Name of the Teacher Name of the Module Platform on which module is developed Date of launching e- content
NIL NIL NIL 03/06/2019
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4.3 – IT Infrastructure

  • – Technology Upgradation (overall)


Type Total Co mputers Computer Lab Internet Browsing centers Computer Centers Office Departme nts Available Bandwidt h (MBPS/ GBPS) Others
Existin g 32 22 1 2 0 4 4 20 0
Added 40 0 1 5 0 5 30 0 0
Total 72 22 2 7 0 9 34 20 0
  • – Bandwidth available of internet connection in the Institution (Leased line)




  • – Facility for e-content


Name of the e-content development facility Provide the link of the videos and media centre and recording facility

4.4 – Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure

  • – Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities, excluding salary component, during the year


Assigned Budget on academic facilities Expenditure incurred on maintenance of academic facilities Assigned budget on physical facilities Expenditure incurredon maintenance of physical facilites
548936 748936 353001 453001


4.4.2 – Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities – laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc. (maximum 500 words) (information to be available in institutional Website, provide link)
  Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities in the college are as follows… 1. Most of the decision regarding maintenance and the upkeep of infrastructure facilities has been taken centrally by the MVP Samaj. 2. Based on the need assessment for maintenance of equipment, furniture, laboratories and classrooms provisions are optimally made. 3. Principal informs the departments about funds available for different purposes. 4. Annual maintenance contract arranged and for a few equipment’s breakdown call arrangements are optimal use of the resources. 5.

Day to day works are carried out by staff appointed for cleaning and maintaining the building. 6. Maintenance work of the newly installed infrastructural facilities is done by respective supplier/agencies or service providers. 7. Maintenance of bathrooms, service areas and security is done on contractual basis Non Teaching staff are appointed for maintenance of physical infrastructure.(buildings, water supply, power supply and supervision). 8.

ITI’s college, nashik of parent institute has the responsibilities of providing the furniture and maintaining them. 9. The separate Non teaching staffs are appointed for all science departments for maintaining the furniture, equipment’s, and chemicals and glassware. 10. Budget allocation to various departments made at the beginning of the financial year considering their requirement for a few equipment, breakdown call arrangements are made for optimal the resources. 11. The College uses its funds in the best possible maintenance according to the allotted budget, Heads of the Departments invite teachers to discuss the requirement of equipment, Chemicals/glass wares, furniture, books, and after discussion the orders are placed to the suppliers which are nominated by the parent institute. 12. The budget allocation is also done for various activities like sports, library, student activities, etc. 13.

In order to the best utilization of funds, the college undergoes an audit check event. 14. The budget sanction is obtained from the LMC. 15. The publisher’s catalog periodically circulated to all departments to purchase new books. Books recommended by the teachers are purchased through the publishers and suppliers nominated by the parent institution. 16. Newspapers: Daily News Papers (Lokmat, Loksatta, Sakal, Deshdoot, PunyaNagri, Divya Marathi, Times of India) and weeklies are made available. 17. Books on General Knowledge, Various Competitive Examinations, and Year Books are purchased every year for updating knowledge of teachers and students.
5.1 – Student Support
5.1.1 – Scholarships and Financial Support
    Name/Title of the scheme Number of students Amount in Rupees
Financial Support from institution Poor boys Fund 18 20480
Financial Support from Other Sources      
a) National Govt. of India Post Matric Scholarship (ST)Govt. of India Post Matric Scholarship (ST) 329 1734092
b)International 00 0 0


View File

  • – Number of capability enhancement and development schemes such as Soft skill development, Remedial coaching, Language lab, Bridge courses, Yoga, Meditation, Personal Counselling and Mentoring etc.,


Name of the capability enhancement scheme Date of implemetation Number of students enrolled Agencies involved
Yoga and Meditation 01/06/2018 50 7 MAH. Bn. NCC, Nashik
Soft Skill Development Program 03/09/2018 60 KPG College, Igatpuri
Basic Computer Application 15/08/2018 55 KPG College, Igatpuri
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  • – Students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution during the year


Year Name of the scheme Number of benefited students for competitive examination Number of benefited students by career counseling activities Number of students who have passedin the comp. exam Number of studentsp placed
2018 Pre recruitment preparation in Police and Army Exam 65 65 25 25
2018 Competitive exam 50 50 0 0
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  • – Institutional mechanism for transparency, timely redressal of student grievances, Prevention of sexual harassment and ragging cases during the year


Total grievances received Number of grievances redressed Avg. number of days for grievance redressal
0 0 0

5.2 – Student Progression

  • – Details of campus placement during the year


On campus Off campus
Nameof organizations visited Number of students participated Number of stduents placed Nameof organizations visited Number of students participated Number of stduents placed
NIL 0 0 NIL 0 0
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  • – Student progression to higher education in percentage during the year


Year Number of students enrolling into higher education Programme graduated from Depratment graduated from Name of institution joined Name of programme admitted to


  2019 19 B.Com Commerce K.P.G. M.Com
2019 5 B.A. Politics K.P.G. M.A.(Politic
        College, s)
2019 3 B.A English V. N. Nail M.A.(English
        College, )
2019 10 B.A. Economics K.P.G. M.A.(Economi
        College, cs)
2019 5 B.A. Marathi K.P.G. M.A.(Marathi
        College, )
2019 3 B.A. Geography K.P.G. M.A.
        College, (Economics)
2019 1 B.A. Geography K.S.K.W. M.A.
        College, (Geography)
2019 2 B.A. Hindi K.S.K.W. M.A. (Hindi)
2019 2 BSc.Comp. Computer KTHM MSC. (CS)
    Sci Science College,  
2019 8 BSc Chemistry Different MSc
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5.2.3 – Students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations during the year (eg:NET/SET/SLET/GATE/GMAT/CAT/GRE/TOFEL/Civil Services/State Government Services)
  Items Number of students selected/ qualifying
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5.2.4 – Sports and cultural activities / competitions organised at the institution level during the year
  Activity Level Number of Participants
MVP Marathon National 8
Cross Country (Boys) District 6
Wrestling (Boys) District 7
Kho-Kho (Girls) District 12
Kabbadi (Boys) District 11
Judo (Boys) District 3
Kabbadi (Girls) District 12


5.3 – Student Participation and Activities
5.3.1 – Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at national/international level (award for a team event should be counted as one)
5.3.2 – Activity of Student Council & representation of students on academic & administrative bodies/committees of the institution (maximum 500 words)
Student’s council is formed in all grant and non-grant colleges as per the guidelines of university and under the Maharashtra University Act 1994. The council is basically formed to solve various problems of the college, its students, to help the administration of the college and to maintain discipline amongst the students in order to retain quality education. The Students are groomed in leadership positions by making them in-charge of organizing various College and departmental events such as debate competitions, poster and photography competitions, quiz competitions, annual day ceremony, cultural days, exhibitions and other departmental activities. The members of the Student’s Council were also involved in the Annual Gathering Ceremony. All the members in the council were selected from each class on the basis of their previous academic performance / marks. A sport representative was also elected with the intention of creating interest among the students about various sports activities conducted in the college and at university level. Students are involved in the decision-making mechanism in various ways: The Students Council is a body that has student representatives from every class. The following were the tasks which were assigned to them. 1) Direct participation in Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony. 2) To arrange and plan Annual Sports Day. 3) To maintain discipline through the Discipline Committee. 4) Active participation in the National Service Scheme. 5) Active participation in the National Cadet Corps.

6) Active participation in various programs such as Earn and Earn Policy, Personality Development Scheme, Nirbhaya Kanya Abhiyana, Special Guidance Scheme, etc. were carried out under Student Welfare Department. 7) Active

participation in cultural programs. 8) Active participation in Vidhyarthini Manch. 9) They have undertaken cleanliness campaigns, blood donation, campaign for saving electricity and water, and against substance abuse – tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

5.4 – Alumni Engagement
5.4.1 – Whether the institution has registered Alumni Association?
The college has a registered “Alumni Association” (Ref. No. Mah/2479/Na). Meetings are held twice in the year. The college is located in a tribal and hilly area. The students are from economically backward families. They try to find an earning source just after the completion of their education. Basically,
Atheltics (Boys) District 10
MVP Yuvaspandan Cultural Competition District 37
Annual Social Gathering Cultural Activity College 134
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Year Name of the award/medal National/ Internaional Number of awards for Sports Number of awards for Cultural Student ID number Name of the student
2019 Cross Contry National 1 0 436233 Lote Kamalu
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they have to face many problems about getting employment so the college does not expect any financial support from them, but few of the alumni students donate funds to college. They are actively involved in the overall development of college.The college has established an ‘Alumni Association’ for the progression of the students. They participate in the College Annual Gathering and other celebrations such as Independence Day, Republic Day, Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony, Cultural Activities etc. Some departments invite their outstanding alumni for interactive sessions with the students and the faculties on the current issues. Many of the alumni are in regular contact with the faculties and contribute to the teaching learning processes indirectly by providing a variety of information. The alumni of the college assist the college and its students in different ways.The college also holds special meetings and programs with the successful alumni to motivate and inspire the students of the college.
5.4.2 – No. of enrolled Alumni:
5.4.3 – Alumni contribution during the year (in Rupees) :
5.4.4 – Meetings/activities organized by Alumni Association :
The meeting was held on Tuesday 12/02/2019. The following points were discussed as follows: 1. Information about NAAC in college and the role of alumni about NAAC 2. Discussing Competitive Exam Guidance 3. To discuss the contribution of alumni for the development of the college 4. Discuss the contribution of alumni to the playground 5. To discuss Company CRS Fund
6.1 – Institutional Vision and Leadership
6.1.1 – Mention two practices of decentralization and participative management during the last year (maximum 500 words)
The institution has a mechanism of providing operating autonomy to various functionaries to ensure the decentralized governance system. 1. Management level: The management is the apex governing the institution. The management of the institution is always trying to add development policies, technology, infrastructural development. All management of the institution provides the fund as per requirement for developmental activities in the college. 2.

Principal Level: Principal is the member secretary of the governing body and chairperson of the Institution. Principal in consultation with the teachers’ Council nominates different committees for planning, and implementation of different academic, administration and related policies. All academic and operational processes are based on the unanimous decision of the governing body, the IQAC and teachers council. 3. Faculty level: Faculty members are given representation in various college committees as the governing body, IQAC and different committees. Every year, the composition of different committees is to ensure a uniform exposure of duties for academic and professional development of faculty members. Following are the few main committee during (2018-19): Admission committee Examination committees UGC Proposal committee Grant utilization committee Library advisory committee Student welfare committee Disciplinary committee Cultural committee College campus development committee Following committees are constituted in accordance to governing bodies guidelines: Counselling, Career Guidance and Placement cell Redressal committee Website development committee Anti ragging committee Publicity committee IQAC committee. 4. The Student level: The students are participating in following committee IQAC committee Student’s council Class representative


  Cultural activity representatives Gymkhana representatives 5. Non Teaching staff level Non Teaching staff represented in the governing body and the IQAC. Suggestions of non teaching staff are considered while framing policies or taking important decisions in participative management The institution promotes the culture in participative management at the strategic level, functional level and operational level. 1. Strategic level: The Principal, governing Teachers council and the IQAC are involved in defining policy, procedures, framing guidelines, rules and regulations pertaining admission, examination, discipline, grievance, support services, etc. 2. Functional level: Faculty members share knowledge among the students and staff members while working for a committee. 3. Operational level: The Principal interacts with government, Management, external agencies, faculty members and also maintains interactions with the concerned departments of affiliating universities. Students and office staff jointly with the Principal and faculty for the execution of different academic, administrative, extension related, co curricular and extracurricular activities.
6.1.2 – Does the institution have a Management Information System (MIS)?
6.2 – Strategy Development and Deployment
6.2.1 – Quality improvement strategies adopted by the institution for each of the following (with in 100 words each):
  Strategy Type Details
Admission of Students Admission process is centralized with parent institute and, is computerized.

Merit lists and admission as per Government and S P P University directives. College provides necessary infrastructure through computer department for on line form filling for preparation of merit lists and admission. Declaration of admission status through SMS and email to students. Counselling by admission committee for choice of subjects and faculty. Student welfare scheme, Remedial Teachings, special coaching for poor students. Poor boys are provided with timely fee payment option on request.

Industry Interaction / Collaboration College has successfully carried out collaboration with industry such as Mahindra and Mahindra, Samsonite India limited, Nashik Engineering Cluster, Bosch Ltd Extension activity like techno-based courses, Tally, Web Designing are carried out. We have approached to get CSR fund from these Industry.
Human Resource Management College tries to utilize available human resource from teaching and non- teaching as per their competency to complete particular academic and administrative task. Teaching as well as Non-teaching staff is trained to acquire computer literacy skills by


  Computer Department. Self-appraisal followed by head. Appraisal of faculty and staff is done. Students’ feedback is sought for comprehensive evaluation of faculty. After analysing the feedback, Head of the Departments give necessary Suggestions to the faculty for improvement. The Principal peruses the report and makes necessary appraisal of the all faculties and non- teaching staff. Reports are submitted to the management for necessary action.

College also encourages the faculty to attend refresher and orientation courses and short term courses and other necessary programs conducted by various institutions and Universities.

Library, ICT and Physical Infrastructure / Instrumentation Library is well equipped with necessary software for book issue with barcode system.College purchased Seven LCD projectors for ICT and 4 smart board for teaching.
Research and Development Teachers are supported inspired for research. Most of the teachers have completed Ph.D. M. Phil, Teachers participated in Avishkar competition, Undertake minor/major research project, attending conferences/seminars.
Examination and Evaluation With the guidelines of the S P P University, Central assessment and evaluation programme arrange by the Examination Department of the college, for first year of degree examination.

At the end of first semester, Internal examination is arranged for yearly pattern courses as per time table prepared by parent institute. Paper setting is done centrally at parent institute. For semester system internal examination along with continuous assessment is allowed for science faculty. Post graduate departments have credit based system of grading. Faculty from Commerce, Marathi and economics are using different methods such as group discussion, book review, assignments, tutorials, seminars, presentation and other means for the same.

Teaching and Learning College has provided necessary infrastructure to use ICT based teaching, Power point presentation, teaching aids (Smart Boards, Projector), Field Industry visits, Study tours, Models, Charts, Software, Project work etc. Science faculty is


  using it since long and college has adapted strategy to provide and encourage same with PG classes in Arts and Humanities.
Curriculum Development While framing the syllabus, concern Teachers participate in syllabus framing workshops

6.2.2 – Implementation of e-governance in areas of operations:


E-governace area Details
Planning and Development Academic Calendar prepared for academic planning and available on website for all the stakeholders.
Administration The management sends all the information through emails. Institution also provides all the information to management by emails.
Finance and Accounts The institution use the PFMS account for financial transaction. Payments of the Teaching and non teaching are directly to the Bank accounts.
Student Admission and Support A website has been developed for the admission procedure by the mother institute. All admission of the college done through the website.
Examination The process of filling exam forms is online. Mark entry, preparation of results, revaluation form also provides through online.

6.3 – Faculty Empowerment Strategies

  • – Teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences / workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the year


Year Name of Teacher Name of conference/ workshop attended for which financial support provided Name of the professional body for which membership fee is provided Amount of support
2019 Dr. D. D.


Emerging Trends in Chemical and Material Science GMD ASC

College, Sinnar, Nashik

2018 Prof. U. N. Sangale Soil and Water Testing and Conservation KGDM Arts, Commerce Science College, Niphad 400
2019 Prof. B. C. Patil Agricultural Challenges in India Karmveer Abasaheb alias

N.M. Sonwane Arts Commerce

and Science College, Satana

2019 Prof. S. S. Emerging Trends GMD ASC 600


    Pardeshi in Chemical and Material Science College, Sinnar, Nashik  
2019 Dr. M. R.


Emerging Trends in Chemical and Material Science GMD ASC

College, Sinnar, Nashik

2019 Dr. M. R.


Computer Application and Use of Recent Techniques in Science K. S. K. W. College, Cidco,


2019 Prof. Smt. L.

C. Deore

Literature: Culture, Society Media Adaptation K.T.H.M.

College, Nashik

2019 Prof. Smt. B.

S. Rajebhosale

Literature: Culture, Society Media Adaptation K.T.H.M.College

, Nashik

2019 Prof. R. M. Ambekar Agricultural Challenges in India Karmveer Abasaheb alias

N.M. Sonwane Arts Commerce

and Science College, Satana

2019 Prof. Smt. M.

S. Patil

Agricultural Challenges in India Karmveer Abasaheb alias

N.M. Sonwane Arts Commerce

and Science College, Satana

        No file uploaded.      
6.3.2 – Number of professional development / administrative training programmes organized by the College for teaching and non teaching staff during the year
  Year Title of the professional development programme organised for teaching staff Title of the administrative training programme organised for non-teaching staff From date To Date Number of participants (Teaching staff) Number of participants (non-teaching staff)
2019 NIL NIL 04/03/2018 03/06/2019 0 0
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6.3.3 – No. of teachers attending professional development programmes, viz., Orientation Programme, Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Programmes during the year
  Title of the professional development programme Number of teachers who attended From Date To date Duration
Short term course 1 23/07/2018 29/07/2018 07


Short term course 1 08/10/2018 13/10/2018 07
Seminar (Indian Science Congress) 1 01/01/2019 08/01/2019 07
Workshop on MOOC 2 25/03/2019 31/03/2019 06
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  • – Faculty and Staff recruitment (no. for permanent recruitment):


Teaching Non-teaching
Permanent Full Time Permanent Full Time
19 19 14 14
  • – Welfare schemes for


Teaching Non-teaching Students
Employee Welfare Fund (Sevak Kalyan Nidhi ) Group LIC, PF and Gratuity Two co-operative Credit Societies are available, accident insurance policy schemes Earn Learn Scheme, Poor boys funds,Student security scheme through parent institute.

6.4 – Financial Management and Resource Mobilization

  • – Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly (with in 100 words each)


The institution conducts the internal and external financial audit regularly. Internal audit of financial and academic things done by college principal and IQAC. External Audit Conduct regularly by the mother institution through the Chartered Account appointed by the mother institution. Mother institution prepared the scheduled for the audit for college, at the time of audit all the revenue generated by the institution from various sources as fees from the students, fund received from the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Fund received from the UGC or other Funding agency, Fund received from the State or Canter government and the expenditure of various things such as payments of the faculty, expenditure of admission process, expenditure of infrastructure development, maintenance, other expenditure are audited by the CA. The expenditure of the exam and seminar audited by the finance department of the Savitribai Phule Pune University.

  • – Funds / Grants received from management, non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropies during the year(not covered in Criterion III)


Name of the non government funding agencies /individuals Funds/ Grnats received in Rs. Purpose
MVP Samaj, Nashik 4734713 Payment of Non-Grant Staff
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  • – Total corpus fund generated



6.5 – Internal Quality Assurance System



  • – Whether Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) has been done?


Audit Type External Internal


6.5.2 – Activities and support from the Parent – Teacher Association (at least three)
College has Parent-Teacher Association.Meetings are held twice a year. In that meeting parents and students exchange a lot of questions and their problem, accordingly to that implementation done by the college. The principal and teachers of the college present the progress of the college to the parents and also discuss the future plans.
6.5.3 – Development programmes for support staff (at least three)
1.Training is provided for newly appointed support staff as per need. 2.

College administration encourages supporting staff to participation in various workshops, orientation programmes, seminars etc.

6.5.4 – Post Accreditation initiative(s) (mention at least three)
1.The institution has increased the number of computer and ICT facilities. The institute has acquired 40 computers. The classroom has been digitized. 2.Paper in Reputed Journals published by the faculty member of the college. 3. E- resources is available in the library.
6.5.5 – Internal Quality Assurance System Details
6.5.6 – Number of Quality Initiatives undertaken during the year
  Yes/No Agency Yes/No Authority
Academic No   Yes Principal
Administrative Yes CA Yes Management of MVP Samaj, Nashik


a) Submission of Data for AISHE portal Yes
b)Participation in NIRF No
c)ISO certification No
d)NBA or any other quality audit No


Year Name of quality initiative by IQAC Date of conducting IQAC Duration From Duration To Number of participants
2018 Medical Check up Camp 20/10/2018 20/10/2018 22/10/2018 845
2019 Workshop on Use of ICT in Teaching for Slow and Advance Learners 15/02/2019 15/02/2019 16/02/2019 29
2019 Two days National Conference on Research Methodology and Management 15/02/2019 15/02/2019 16/02/2019 43
2018 Soil and Water Testing Mini Laboratory 10/09/2018 11/09/2018 13/02/2019 12



2019 Marathi Bhasha Sanvardhan Pandharwada 01/01/2019 01/01/2019 15/01/2019 27
2019 Yoga and Meditation Camp 01/06/2018 01/06/2018 21/06/2018 55
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7.1 – Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities

Title of the programme Period from Period To Number of Participants
      Female Male
Voter Id Registration 16/01/2019 25/01/2019 67 55


  • – Gender Equity (Number of gender equity promotion programmes organized by the institution during the year)







  • – Environmental Consciousness and Sustainability/Alternate Energy initiatives such as: Percentage of power requirement of the University met by the renewable energy sources

College building uses natural light so as to reduce cost of electricity and also it has solar-wind power project to inculcate environment awareness cost of electricity and also it has solar-wind power project to inculcate environment awareness.

  • – Differently abled (Divyangjan) friendliness


Item facilities Yes/No Number of beneficiaries
Physical facilities Yes 5
Ramp/Rails Yes 5
Scribes for examination Yes 5
  • – Inclusion and Situatedness


Year Number of initiatives to address locational advantages and disadva ntages Number of initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community Date Duration Name of initiative Issues addressed Number of participating students and staff
2018 2 2 14/11/201


15 Soil and Water testing To check out water quality and soil content 10
2019 2 2 07/01/201


25 Soil and Water testing To check out water quality and soil content 10


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7.1.5 – Human Values and Professional Ethics Code of conduct (handbooks) for various stakeholders
7.1.6 – Activities conducted for promotion of universal Values and Ethics
7.1.7 – Initiatives taken by the institution to make the campus eco-friendly (at least five)
College is located in remote tribal and hilly area where annual rain fall is 3000 ml or 185 inches a year, still due to strata of land, percolation of water is very limited. College , NCC and NSS Unit has decided to make campus eco- friendly with following initiatives in campus and nearby areas. a) Tree Plantation ( 500 trees planted in campus, 750 in nearby mountain in collaboration with Samsonite India Ltd) b) Plastic Waste free campus ( Awareness about plastic free environment isalso on agenda for students c) Environment awareness in student ( Study tour for environment awareness is arranged near the dam area, cleanliness in college campus) d) Environmental study tour e) Wind-solar Hybrid project implemented to stop use of Diesel for thepurpose of Electricity during load shedding in summer. f) Project related to environmental study are allotted to students at second year of degree as environment study is mandatory subject at S. Y. B. A. / S. Y. B. Com and S. Y.

B. Sc level. g) Water Harvesting trenches are dig with the help of students.

7.2 – Best Practices
7.2.1 – Describe at least two institutional best practices
Best Practice No. 1 Social Science Association 1. Title : Voters awareness campaign 2. Context: Explain the importance of voting to the Indian voter through the student. 3. Aim:- To Inspire Indian voters to stay awake during election process and vote. 4. Objectives:- a. Students are aware of their responsibility. b. They are awakened from the program being implemented. c.

Through this awakening, the students also insist on registering the names of the people in their village. d. The student becomes aware of the rights conferred by the Constitution. e. This right builds the confidence of choosing the right candidate. 5. The Practice:- Voters awareness campaign various events are organized by the Department. The Constitution gives the right to vote for all people who complete 18 years in India. In the pre-Independence era this was not the right of all citizens. But in a detailed democracy, all the people should be involved in it so Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar has given this right to the entire people through the Constitution. Indian citizens have got the right without any discrimination such as poor-rich, educated-uneducated. But the public still does not seem very alert about this right. Thats why Voter Registration Campaign is being implemented by our Department. These campaigns are implemented at four levels. a. New voter registration. b. Awareness campaign. c. Constitution Awakening. d. Awareness through various competitions

Title Date of publication Follow up(max 100 words)
NIL 03/06/2019 NIL


Activity Duration From Duration To Number of participants
Yoga and Meditation 01/06/2018 21/06/2018 50
National Voters day 25/01/2019 25/01/2019 110
National Service Scheme seven days camp at village. Manikkhamb, Tal.


15/12/2018 21/12/2018 125
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6. Programme outcomes:- People are expected to participate in democracy and we achieve this objective. Students become aware about voting. Not only

themselves, but others also emphasize the importance of voting. Best Practice No. 2 Science Association 1. Title: Blue green algae production and promotion centre 2. Context: Utilization of Blue green algae in a Paddy crop gives positive effects on yield of Rice crop. 3. Aim: To produce Blue green algae and distribute seed culture of Blue green algae to the farmers through students 4.

Practice: Like oxygen, Carbon dioxide and Nitrogen are essential for growth and development of crop plants. Percentage of Carbon dioxide and Oxygen in atmosphere is near about 2-3 and percentage of Nitrogen in atmosphere is about 77-78. Plant can take oxygen and carbon dioxide directly from atmosphere but they can’t take Nitrogen from atmosphere. Plant takes Nitrogen from soil, where Nitrogen is present in appropriate quantity. There are some microorganisms like Bacteria, Algae, Which absorb atmospheric Nitrogen and convert such Nitrogen into available form. Such microorganism are called Nitrogen- fixing microorganism. There are some species of Algae which fix atmospheric Nitrogen and convert such nitrogen into available form. These algae are called Blue green algae. We have one natural pond in the College campus we inoculate such pond with seed culture of Blue green algae. Blue green algae grow on surface of water. Then we remove and collect upper layer of algae from the water pond and mix the same into soil to get dry in the Sun. Then, we distribute such a culture to the farmers through students. 5. Outcome: Blue green algae generally used as Bio fertilizers. Algae Bio fertilizer is very convenient and effective in Rice field which increases yield of Rice crop on a greater scale. Most of the Students are wards of farmers of paddy so this will lead to have rice research center in the College in near future. Students are informed with organic farming.

Upload details of two best practices successfully implemented by the institution as per NAAC format in your institution website, provide the link

7.3 – Institutional Distinctiveness
7.3.1 – Provide the details of the performance of the institution in one area distinctive to its vision, priority and thrust in not more than 500 words
Vision:- To prepare and empower the tribal community for acquiring competence to cope with rapidly changing socio-economic patterns. The college has the following features. 1. Successfully implementation of value added and community oriented courses 2. Effective use of research and ICT for teaching. 3.

Promoting students to participation in sports and cultural activities. 4. Provided the insurance to students, staff in affordable cost. 5. Creation of eco-friendly Campus 1. The institution has started value added courses. The Yoga and Meditation course starts on the 1st of June every year and ends on the 21st of June. In this a lot of students are taught yoga and meditation lessons.

The Department of Computer Science imparts Computer Knowledge to the students through the Basic Computer Application course every year. The English department every Year runs Soft Skill program, in which the students are taught personality development and good citizenship. In addition there are two courses run under Community College. Information technology and personality development is a certificate course, in which taught to understand the need for communication and basic computer knowledge. Department of Geography runs the Travel and Tour Management Diploma course. Main purpose of this course to understands needs of customers and advice to traveler. 2. The institution has providing students to necessary teaching facilities comprising computer, projector, smart classrooms, CD’s, modules, overheads projector etc. Our colleges teachers have demonstrate video lecture series on YouTube for students. We have created subject and class wise whats app groups to share


subject related information, notes, videos, audios, power point presentations. College developed ICT classrooms for effective teaching for students. 3. Apart from academic development of the student’s college emphasis on sports and cultural activities. College has organized various competitions. College organizes the annual gathering for cultural development of the students. Lots of students participated in the various cultural events on the occasion of a college gathering. 4. Unique activity of the institution is to provide the medicliam policy to students, staff and member of the institution in affordable cost. The institution has tie up with New India Insurance Company for providing group medicliam policy to the students and staff. Every student gets one lakh rupees medicliam facility in only 154 rupees premium. All staff gets around one to five lakh rupees medicliam policy according to premium. 5. Every year college planted the tree inside and outside the college. This year 750 sampling planted inside the college by students. With help of Samsonite Pvt. LtD. and Forest department, college student planted the sampling near khambale villege.

More than 1000 sampling were planted. College have its own its solar wind mill. This mill creates the electricity and fulfills the daily needs of electricity inside college. College uses the dustbin for collecting the waste material. To save water college made the drip irrigation system for trees and lane. College runs the rally and lecture serious to inculcate the knowledge about environmental awareness among the students.

Provide the weblink of the institution

8.Future Plans of Actions for Next Academic Year
Future Plan Criterion wise action plan for 2019-20 Criterion I Curricular Aspects 1. To start skill based short term courses 2. To start need based graduation program Criterion II Teaching Learning and Evaluation 1. Maximum use of ICT in teaching and learning processes. 2. To organize seminars and workshops.

3. To Encourage faculty to use social media for sharing e-content. 4. To arrange remedial coaching for slow learners and extra coaching for advanced learners. 5. To organize study tours, field visits and industrial visits, student seminars 6. To employ innovative means of assessment such as continuous assessment, home assignment, group discussion etc Criterion III Research,Consultancy and Extension

1. To encourage teachers to submit proposals to funding agencies for minor and major research 2. To encourage Departments to arrange seminars/workshops/ conferences. 3. To design and assign research projects to students 4. To prepare students for research competitions 5. To encourage the faculty to publish their research work in reputed peer-reviewed international and National Journal 6. To encourage the faculty to undertake consultancy activity in their Field of their specialization Criterion IV: Infrastructure and learning/ resources 1. Purchase computer systems and other accessories. 2. To provide more facilities to Administrative Office and Library such as computers, internet, LAN, software etc

3. To buy new textbooks and reference books and subscribe to new journals. 4. To procure e-resources: E-books. E-journals, e-learning resources. 5. To conduct e- literacy programs (Computer Training Programs) for Teaching and Non-teaching staff. 6. To pay special attention to maintenance of infrastructure, equipment and other facilities. Criterion V: Student support and progression 1. To start support system for students to fill online merit forms, admission forms, scholarship forms, examination forms or any other information to be submitted online. 2. To find way through University to provide need based scholarship or any other means of support to tribal students ( girls and boys) 3. To enhance coaching for competitive examination for students. 4. To enhance students counselling and career guidance center activities. 5. To enhance and undertake placement activities of students by organizing campus for campus placement and extending help in the off campus placement. 6. To organize gender sensitization women empowerment programmes. 7. To ensure participation of more students in