Marathi SWOC Analysis

  • SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans:
  • Strengths
  • Eight Crore Thirty Lakh people are speaking and writing Marathi language.
  • Marathi is the tenth most spoken & writing language in the world.
  • Good Research and extension activities
  • Ability to publish books related to literature, poetry Saint Literature, Criticism etc
  • Experience and exercise-based teaching-learning
  • Publications of Creative writing by Faculty
  • Diversified Academic exposure beyond the curriculum


  • Weaknesses
  • Marathi Literature is lagging in establishing co-relation with other subjects like social sciences
  • The financial situation prevents tribal students under the college’s control from having access to postsecondary education.
  • Because tribal students are reluctant to seek postgraduate study instead of degree-level education, the student population is low.


  • Opportunities:
  • Training for Proof Reading, Translation
  • Making Literary Criticism and Writing Reviews
  • Promotion of Marathi language in various Subjects
  • To try to provide information about research science, technology, health to Marathi speaking people to through Marathi language


  • Challenges:
  • To promote and enhance the scope of Marathi in the Competitive Global Environment.
  • To enhance Interdisciplinary study between Literature and other discipline.


  • Future Plans:
  • To organize State/National Level Seminar
  • To empower competitive Exam cell specifically for NET & SET Exams.
  • To start career-oriented course in Proof Reading, Editing & Translation.
  • To develop study centre for dialects of Marathi in the context of its literature, culture and people’s life.
  • Efforts to sustain the department in commercial environment.