Botany Research

Botany Research Publications                                              

Name of the Faculty Research Papers Total Publication Chapter In Books Edited Book Total Citation H Index Impact Factor
Inter national National Proceeding
Ms. Kaveri P Birari 01 00 00 01 01 00

Publications List

Sr. No. Name of the teacher Title of Paper Name of Journal Month & Year of Publication ISSN/ISBN Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal
1 Smt. K. P. Birari Redescription of Cestode Circumoncobothrium Shindei in Freshwater Fish Mastacembelus armatus from Gangapur Dam Dist. Nasik (M.S.) India Internation Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication And Technology 2022 2581-9429

Chapter Published in Book

Sl. No. Name of the teacher Title of the book/chapters  published Year of publication ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding Name of the publisher
1 Smt. K. P. Birari Frontiers in Biological Sciences-Study of plants used as Ethanomedicine in the treatment of Jaundice from Akole Tahsil area in Ahmednager Dist. Of Maharashtra 2022 ISBN-979-888629608-2 Xpress Publishing


Sl. No. Name of the teacher Title of the Patent Year Design No. Link
1 Smt. K. P. Birari Device to identified content and diseases in the sample extracted. 2022 355562-001 Patent Certificate