AQAR 2019-20




Part A
Data of the Institution
Name of the Head of the institution Dr. P. R. Bhabad
Designation Principal
Does the institution function from its own campus? Yes
Phone no./Alternate phone no. 0919545500661
Mobile no 9422246082
Registered e-mail
Alternate e-mail
Address Near Take Ghoti, Mumbai agra Road, Tal. Igatpuri, Dist.

Nashik, Pin-422403.

City/Town igatpuri
Pin Code 422403
2.Institutional status
Affiliated /Constituent Affiliated
Type of Institution Co-education


Cycle Grade CGPA Year of Accreditation Validity from Validity to
Cycle 1 B+ 78.5 2004 12/02/2004 11/02/2009
Cycle 2 B 2.52 2021 13/02/2012 13/02/2017
Cycle 3 B 2.41 2019 28/02/2019 27/02/2024




Financial Status UGC 2f and 12(B)
Name of the Affiliating University Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
Name of the IQAC Coordinator Mr. Shaktising Sanjaysing Pardeshi
Phone No. 0919860838457
Alternate phone No. 9860838457
Mobile 8208579157
IQAC e-mail address
Alternate Email address
3.Website address (Web link of the AQAR (Previous Academic Year) iqac/aqar-reports/
4.Whether Academic Calendar prepared during the year? Yes
if yes, whether it is uploaded in the Institutional website Web link: iqac/academic-calendars/
5.Accreditation Details
6.Date of Establishment of IQAC 18/01/2019
7.Provide the list of funds by Central / State Government UGC/CSIR/DBT/ICMR/TEQIP/World Bank/CPE of UGC etc.,


Institutional/Depa rtment /Faculty Scheme IG

Funding Agency


Year of award

with duration



State sports School 2020-21, 2 1,30,00,000/
Government facilities Education & Years
  Assistance Sport    


8.Whether composition of IQAC as per latest NAAC guidelines Yes
Upload latest notification of formation of IQAC View File  
9.No. of IQAC meetings held during the year 4
Were the minutes of IQAC meeting(s) and compliance to the decisions have been uploaded on the institutional website? Yes
If No, please upload the minutes of the meeting(s) and Action Taken Report No File Uploaded  
10.Whether IQAC received funding from any of the funding agency to support its activities during the year? No
If yes, mention the amount  
11.Significant contributions made by IQAC during the current year (maximum five bullets)
Apply for the NSQF community college course to the UGC and started One community college courses sponsored by UGC
Organized 01 National & 04 State level Webinar
Campus interviews and guidance
Extension & Community Services
New course were introduced T.Y.B.Sc. Botany under B.Sc. Program
12.Plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the Academic year towards


Quality Enhancement and the outcome achieved by the enIGdAoTfPtUhReIA, TcAaLd.emIGiAcTyPeUaRrI, DIST.- NASHIK,


Plan of Action Achievements/Outcomes
Apply for the NSQF community college course to the UGC and started One community college courses sponsored by UGC Implementation of online certificate course for Common Services in Rural and Tribal Areas.
Planned to organized National and state level Webinar Organized 01 National & 04 State level Webinar
To carried out extension and Community Services Organized the Extension and Community services like Voter registration Campaign, Tree Plantation, Road Safety Campaign and Awareness camp
To organize Campus Interview Organized the Campus Interview
To start the new course TYBSc Botany new course introduce in Science faculty
To organize the Capability Enhancement Program To organized the Capability Enhancement Program like Yoga and Meditation, National Integration and Voter registration Campaign



  1. Whether the AQAR was placed before statutory body?

Name of the statutory body






Name Date of meeting(s)
Management 16/08/2021
  1. Whether institutional data submitted to AISHE


Year Date of Submission
2019-20 25/01/2020




  1. Programme

Extended Profile







Number of courses offered by the institution across all programs during the year


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  1. Student



Number of students during the year





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Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/ State Govt. rule during the year




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Number of outgoing/ final year students during the year



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  1. Academic

3.1                                                                                                                20


Number of full time teachers during the year


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3.2                                                                                                                00


Number of sanctioned posts during the year


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Total number of Classrooms and Seminar halls



Total expenditure excluding salary during the year (INR in lakhs)



Total number of computers on campus for academic purposes

Part B
1.1 – Curricular Planning and Implementation
1.1.1 – The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process
The institution has centralized ERP software for merit based admission, scholarship, library system and examination. Institution has developed a website as for student to fill the merit form within stipulated period, after the filling merit form institution generate merit list and is play it on website. The admission form generates automatically by the software of those student includes in the merit list. The data of merit form transfer automatically to the admission software. Once the student admitted to the college his data transfer to the library software, where the identity card of student generates. The student can use unique id generated by the software to borrow the books from central library. The admission data also transfer to the eligibility, scholarship and examination software. The admission data send to the university through eligibility software, with the help of that data University provides the unique eligibility number to the admitted students. The data of the students admitted in the college in various category sent to the government for various scholarships through the scholarship software, with the help of that data government provides the scholarships to the students. The data of the students also sent to the examination software, which generate the unique seat number of the first year students. MIS generates


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various reports that are useful to the MaInGaAgTPeUmReIn, TtA,L.-PIrGiAnTcPUiRpIa, DlISaTn.- dNASHIK,

Office for further decisions making. The college collects IQAC data and feedback through google forms which helps in further improvement of MIS. Feedback from students, alumni and parent collects with help of google forms uploaded on college website. MIS Modules currently used: College website – Admission website – , ERP software for admission , ERP software of library, ERP software of examination, Google forms of feedback, Google forms of IQAC data collection

1.1.2 – The institution adheres to the academic calendar including for the conduct of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE)
Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj’s, K. P. G. Arts, Commerce and Science College,


Igatpuri is affiliated to the SPP University, Pune. The College implements the


curriculum of the pune university. The curriculum and the syllabus is designed


by the board of studies of the university. The members of BoS and teachers from


the affiliated colleges shape the syllabus.The syllabus is put forth by the


teachers and students to overcome the loophole. The teachers, students, experts


and social institute give comments and suggestions after the discussion on it.


In the beginning of the academic year , teachers call the meeting and in this


meeting discuss the overall activities which run throughout the year and


according to this prepare the academic caIlGeAnTPdUaRrI., TATLh.-eIGcAoTPUcRuIr, DrIiScTu.- lNaArSHIK,

and extra


curricular activities are organised according to academic calendar.



academic year begins with the academic planning of the year. Every department


prepared the teaching notes. The syllabus was taught with the help of ICT based


teaching tools like smart boards, projector and software etc. Some of the


topics and subjects of various faculties are taught by practicals.The


practicals are completed by the different methods like field visit or study


tours to different places. The evaluation of the students is done through the


term end exam, annual, internal and practical exams. Simultaneously the


evaluation is done by home assignments, tasks, projects and field visits. We


take the feedback on curriculum through an online system, such feedback taken


from students and ex-students, parents and teachers. The feedback is analysed


later on . the information of the co-curricular and extra curricular activities


in the year recorded in the teaching dairy. The records of the evaluation of


the projects, practicals, internal , oral exam, annual exam , term end exam and


home assignments are submitted to the exam department by the


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respective                               IGATPURI, TAL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK,


departments. . All the classes converted into ICT based classes to implement a


programme related to syllabus.the college has made a avail computer with


internet in computer department and library for the students.The information


and notice are displayed through the digital notice board and media.

1.1.3 – Teachers of the Institution participate in following activities related to curriculum development and assessment of the affiliating University and/are represented on the following academic bodies during the year. Academic council/BoS of Affiliating University Setting of question papers for UG/PG programs Design and Development of Curriculum for Add on/ certificate/ Diploma Courses Assessment /evaluation process of the affiliating University B. Any 3 of the above
1.2 – Academic Flexibility
1.2.1 – Number of Programmes in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)/ elective course system has been implemented


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Brochure or any other document relating to Add on /Certificate programs View File
List of Add on /Certificate programs (Data Template ) View File


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Details of the students enrolled in Subjects related to certificate/Add-on programs View File


IGATPURI, TAL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK, – Number of Programmes in which CBCS/ Elective course system implemented

1.2.2 – Number of Add on /Certificate programs offered during the year – How many Add on /Certificate programs are added during the year. Data requirement for year: (As per Data Template)
1.2.3 – Number of students enrolled in Certificate/ Add-on programs as against the total number of students during the year
1.3 – Curriculum Enrichment
1.3.1 – Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the Curriculum
Our college integrates most of the cross cutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender Equality and sensitization, Human or


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Upload the list and description of courses which address the Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the Curriculum. View File


moral values, Environment Awareness and SIuGsAtTPaUiRnIa, TbAiLl.-iItGyATiPUnRtIo, DItShTe.- NASHIK,



The College has the Internal Gender Audit Committee and all the faculty and the departments take care of all the issues and programmes for sensitizing and redressing the problems if raised.


The College Students Development Boardorganizes the cultural programs and students of our college also take part in various competitions organized by other colleges outside for inculcating moral and national values.


The Human or moral values, Environment Awareness activities such as rallies, lectures and street plays have been arranged by the NSS and NCC unit.


There is the Internal Green Audit Committee.These subjects provide free environment for inculcating values and developing ethical competence among the students. It is to integrate value education with decision making skills in their personal, social and professional life.


For the National Integration, we have the best practices like voter’s registration and Awareness of voting right and environmental Awareness.


They participate in the College Annual Gathering and other celebrations such as Independence Day, Republic Day, Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony, Cultural Activities etc. Some departments invite their outstanding alumni for interactive sessions with the students and the faculties on the current issues

1.3.2 – Number of courses that include experiential learning through project work/field work/internship during the year


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Programme / Curriculum/ Syllabus of the courses View File
Minutes of the Boards of Studies/ Academic Council meetings with approvals for these courses No File Uploaded
MoU’s with relevant organizations for these courses, if any No File Uploaded
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URL for stakeholder feedback report

Action taken report of the Institution on feedback report as stated in the minutes of the Governing Council, Syndicate, Board of Management No File Uploaded
Any additional information No File Uploaded


1.3.3 – Number of students undertaking project work/field work/ internships
1.4 – Feedback System
1.4.1 – Institution obtains feedback on the syllabus and its transaction at the institution from the following stakeholders Students Teachers Employers Alumni B. Any 3 of the above
1.4.2 – Feedback process of the Institution may D. Feedback collected


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Number of seats filled against seats reserved (Data Template) View File


be classified as follows IGATPURI, TAL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK,
2.1 – Student Enrollment and Profile
2.1.1 – Enrolment Number Number of students admitted during the year – Number of students admitted during the year
2.1.2 – Number of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories (SC, ST, OBC, Divyangjan, etc. as per applicable reservation policy during the year (exclusive of supernumerary seats) – Number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories during the year
2.2 – Catering to Student Diversity
2.2.1 – The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organizes special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners
For Identifying Slow or Advanced learners through-


The counseling and personal guidance is provided to orient the


students before admitting to courses or sIuGbAjTPeUcRtIs, TAaLt.- ItGhAeTPUsRpIe, DcIiSaTl.- NASHIK,



Interactions with the students in the beginning to build up their confidence


Continuous evaluation process via home assignments, group; discussions, and tasks given in the classrooms;


Participation in the activities such as internal seminars


Visits to libraries or historical places and thereon reporting etc. Activities For the Slow Learners-

Induction program for FY student regarding CBCS and newly introduced Courses in every discipline.


Group Discussions at the level of each of the subjects Motivational Speech of the experts to broaden their approach.

Special Guidance lectures series in English, Basic Sciences and Accountancy such as the Basic Computer Application Course


Mentoring practices- Mentors for every class


Field visits by Depts of Geography, Commerce and Sciencesuch as Sahyadri Farm, Delta Company and so on


For the Advanced Learners-


The Career and guidance cell works for the advanced learners who are capable of going for the courses or studies related to jobs such as Fundamental of Computer & Cyber security


The NSQF community college course- Common Services started Advanced Study Material of the study areas

Motivations for Research activities like ‘workshops, seminars, Competitions.’

Make them attend or participate in seminars and workshops Field visits banks, industries and organizations


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Number of Students Number of Teachers
1725 21


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Workshop on Use of ICT in Teaching for SlIoGwATPaUnRdI, TAAdLv.-aInGcAeTPULReIa, DrInSeTr.- sNASHIK,
2.2.2 – Student- Full time teacher ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)
2.3 – Teaching- Learning Process
2.3.1 – Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences
Visits have been organized to the bank and factories / offices


Science Students visit to some area to identify flora (vegetations) to study their features.


Common services and the commerce stream students have been taken to the Tehsil / Civil service offices, banks to get first hand information and experience.


Internal seminars and discussion are held to make the learners learn about the concepts and terms related to the organism or systems.


Students’ feedback, teachers’ feedback and the parents feedback have been collected and the IQAC discuss and redress the poor or very remarks indicate by intimating or appraisal remarks.


IQAC has worked for some augmentation in teaching and learning facilities


The Staff Academy sessions are organized every year to make the faculties aware of new strategies and methodology introduced.


The faculty is allowed to attend the workshops, seminars organized


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by the BOS of the respective subjects aftIeGrATPpUrReIs, TcArLi.-pItGiAoTnPURoIf, DInSeTw.- lNyASHIK,

introduced syllabi by the SPPU Pune


Orientation for the faculty on using the ICT devices and modern technology in teaching.

2.3.2 – Teachers use ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process. Write description in maximum of 200 words
Our college has started utilizing computer-based teaching aids accompanied with the Smart Boards in Chemistry, Physics, Botany and Computer Science departments. Other departments are provided with the LCD Projectors and internet connection with the intention of bringing the concept of digitalization of class rooms. In the academic year 2020-21 College upgraded LCD projectors with smart boards in Chemistry, Physics, Botany and Computer Science departments, it led to use latest techniques of ICT teaching possible. with use of google classroom for all classes created the process of teaching more effective and innovative ideas implemented. The teachers make their own PPTs presentations regarding their subjects. Utilization of computerized teaching aids saves time of the teachers and the same time can be utilized in other innovative methods of teaching to elaborate the complicated terms and concepts by incorporating educational videos relevant to the topic. The paramount educational clips are posted in the groups for the benefits of students. This makes the process of teaching and learning more effective. The teachers are always promoted to start their own U-Tube channel and upload e-contents on web making knowledge more accessible. The all departments provide the students with all the essential information and all sorts of e-contents through the medium of social media. Thus, the utilization of social media for the purpose of propagating useful knowledge or information is found to be better use of social media. Credit based system is adopted at UG and PG level. The teachers employ their own innovative techniques of the assessment regarding the audits and presentation. These methods have resulted into better attendance and learning through practicality. The Chemdraw software is made available for the students of the Department of Chemistry to draw the structures of organic compounds. Botany Department is provided with High-


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Circulars pertaining to assigning mentors to mentees View File
Mentor/mentee ratio View File


Definition camera that can be attached toIGcAoTPmUpRuIt, TeArL.-sIyGsAtTePUmRIt, DoISvTi.- eNwASHIK,

slides on a big screen through LCD projector. Conventional method of Charts to demonstrate different biological systems such as nervous system, digestive system etc related to living beings is supported with slides. Botany and Zoology Department has good collection of slides, skeleton etc. Computer Department helps other faculty members in preparation of PPTs and other e-contents. The Department of Commerce uses ICT techniques to teach accountancy. students are also encouraged to participate in employability skill development short term courses run by Computer and Commerce Department for graduate and post graduate students. Also, during covid-19 pandemic, all classes join through the Google Classrooms and study materials provided through the google classroom. Their all internal taken from the google form.

2.3.3 – Ratio of mentor to students for academic and other related issues (Data for the latest completed academic year ) – Number of mentors
2.4 – Teacher Profile and Quality
2.4.1 – Number of full time teachers against sanctioned posts during the year


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List of Teachers including their PAN, designation, dept. and experience details(Data Template) View File


2.4.2 – Number of full time teachers with Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. /D.N.B Superspeciality / D.Sc. / D.Litt. during the year (consider only highest degree for count) – Number of full time teachers with Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. /D.N.C Superspeciality / D.Sc.

/ D.Litt. during the year

2.4.3 – Number of years of teaching experience of full time teachers in the same institution (Data for the latest completed academic year) – Total experience of full-time teachers
2.5 – Evaluation Process and Reforms
2.5.1 – Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and mode. Write description within 200 words.
The evaluation process followed in the college is consistent and similarto that of affiliated university(S.P.P.U. Pune). From the


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academic year 2013-14, the university intIrGoAdTPuUcReId, TAcLh.-oIiGcAeTPUbRaIs, DeIdSTc.- rNeAdSHiItK,

system forthe post graduate programsand from 2019-20 for undergraduate.The continuous internal evaluation is an integral part of the graduate and post-graduate students. The students of undergraduate program have semester pattern.According to that 15marks for internalevaluationfor science faculty in which include the home-assignment, viva and internal examination.The undergraduate students of Arts and Commercefaculties also have30marks for internal evaluation with semesterpattern of examination. The university hasintroduced eightcompulsory credit points for skill-based coursesin which physical educations, democracy, NCC, NSS, Cultural and paper presentation for overall development of students.

According to that our college implements the skill based courses and activity for the students. Examination Cell andconcerned departments prepare a schedule for the internal examinations for the courses under curricula.The faculties evaluate students’ progress in the course through the other means of informal examinationsuch as presentations, seminars on selected topics, home assignments, viva- voce, tutorials etc. This enablesfaculties to get positive feedbackfrom students regarding overall understanding, teaching- learning processand quality evaluation.


An examination of semester pattern in which 35 marks for science faculty and 70 marks for the Arts and Commerce faculties which are set by the university. An Internal examination question paper set by the college teacher and evaluate by the teacher.The central assessment program is held in the college. An obtained marks by students displayed on the notice boards.The provision of the retest (Re-Examination) has been made available forthe students. The faculties are encouraged to use otherinformal ways for internal assessment as a part of continuous internal assessment. Most of the faculties usehome assignments, question paper solving assignments, tutorials, seminar presentations, group problemsolving sessions etc. These methods have resulted into a regular attendance in the class. The faculties are use Google classroom, Zoom and Google meettechnology for the purpose of internal assessments.

2.5.2 – Mechanism to deal with internal examination related grievances is transparent, time- bound and efficient


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The grievances of students regarding the assessment and evaluation

process are resolved in steps, first atthe college level and then at university level depending upon the nature and intensity of the grievances. The Controller of Examination in consultation with principal resolves it and fixes theresponsibility. In case of evaluation, students are allowed to ask for photo copies of answer sheets on thefixed payment prescribed by affiliated university. The students are also allowed to ask for revaluation ofanswer sheets within fifteen days after the declaration of result. For the university coursers the samemechanism is in practice. There are many grievances related to examination form filling at University Online Form Filling Portal. All these issues are resolved with communications with university authoritiesvia web mail provided by university. The grievances of malpractices by students at the examination hallare forwarded to higher authorities for further actions. The grievances and queries related to the college faculties are resolved at department level. The issues related to the examination and results are resolved intime. The departments display internal evaluation scores on the notice board. The faculties also resolvesome of the minor cases when students come to the respective faculties with the grievances regardingevaluation. The faculties have to show evaluated internal examination answer papers to thestudents inorder to make the examination and the evaluation system transparent.

2.6 – Student Performance and Learning Outcomes
2.6.1 – Programme and course outcomes for all Programmes offered by the institution are stated and displayed on website and communicated to teachers and students.
The program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomes for all programs are provided by the faculties of the college and they are published on college website at


The website is dynamic and is regularly updated. Each department is given a separate page. The page provides departmental profile including courses, faculties, facilities, achievements of the faculties and the students and programs taught in the department.

The details of curricula including program objectives, possible


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outcomes, syllabi-links or PDF of old queIsGtAiTPoUnRIp, TaApLe.-rIsGAaTrPUeRIp, DrIoSvTi.- dNeAdSHIK,

at the students corner sub menu of department page.The prospectus provides list of courses available for students.

2.6.2 – Attainment of Programme outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution.
The Pos, PSOs and Cos of all the Programmes and Courses are properly stated and displayed on the college website-


The each department read the POs, PSOs and Cos for the students in the classrooms.


Program outcomes describe what students are expected to know and would be able to do by the time of graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that students acquire as they progress through the program


Program Specific Outcomes are statements that describe what the graduates of a specific B A, B Com, and B Sc should be able to do.


Each course of a programme have well-defined COs. Attainment of COs is calculated using a combination of direct methods of assessment and indirect method of assessment.


Continuous Evaluation (CE) ( Assignments, Quizzes, Class Test, Laboratory performance, Mid-term examination or Internal Examination such as tests, tutorials, home assignments etc.).


Semester ExaminationWeightage of CE and Semester Examination is 30%-70% for B A and B Com and 15%-35% for B Sc depending on course and programme.


Indirect Assessment:Indirect method of assessment of COs is based on course exit survey performed at the end of the semester/trimester/annual.Programme exit survey is conducted after


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completion of programme.                 IGATPURI, TAL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK,


Indirect Assessment:Indirect assessment of POs is performed using programme exit survey, employer’s feedback, alumni survey.


Alumni feedback:Use criteria similar to Employer’s feedback for calculation of level of attainment of Alumni feedback.

2.6.3 – Pass percentage of Students during the year – Total number of final year students who passed the university examination during the year
2.7 – Student Satisfaction Survey
2.7.1 – Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance (Institution may design its own questionnaire) (results and details need to be provided as a weblink) m9d32vgGh2VnEl8/edit?usp=sharing
3.1 – Resource Mobilization for Research
3.1.1 – Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects / endowments in the institution during the year (INR in Lakhs)


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IGATPURI, TAL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK, – Total Grants from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects /

endowments in the institution during the year (INR in Lakhs)

3.1.2 – Number of teachers recognized as research guides (latest completed academic year) – Number of teachers recognized as research guides
3.1.3 – Number of departments having Research projects funded by government and non government agencies during the year – Number of departments having Research projects funded by government and non- government agencies during the year
3.2 – Innovation Ecosystem



3.2.1 – Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations and has initiatives for creation and transfer

of knowledge

The College has created an Ecosystem for Innovations includingStart upsand other initiatives for creation and Transfer of knowledge. It has signed MOUs with 09 government and non-government organizations to provide the information on knowledge and skills for jobs, business or entrepreneurship to the students and faculty.


The College has created an ecosystem for Research and Innovation by taking initiative for creation and distribution of knowledge. The management of the college recruits meritorious, dynamic and enterprising young faculty through an elaborate selection process that involves careful scrutiny of applications, testing of knowledge and teaching skills selection interviews.


The annual performance appraisal system encourages faculty to enhance their teaching, research and administrative skills, as well as social services to the desired level of promotion.


The Faculty members are encouraged to undergo professional development programmes and organize and participate in Conferences, Seminars and Workshops. Duty Leaves are granted and financial support is provided to participate in different colleges and universities. Teaching and non-teaching staff are encouraged to enhance their qualifications through staff development programs.


The institute has a well-defined and published research promotion policy. Faculty members are encouraged and financially supported to guide research. The College has developed Science labs in the respective area of research. These include Chemistry, Botany, Physics and Zoology. Well known experts were invited renowned experts from various domains for the Induction program in the college. A liaison between the Institute and industry is established for consultancy.


Inculcation of value system through innovative approach-


•   Field Activities


•   Deployment of low cost renewable energy technologies for rural areas


•   Research on ways and means for women empowerment.


•   Visits to industries.


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•.Project work for all students          IGATPURI, TAL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK,


•   Exhibits of Models and Innovative ideas of students on the Science Day.


•   Skill training to augment potential for start-ups through SPPU Pune Innovation and Incubation Centre and Community College Courses.

3.2.2 – Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship during the year – Total number of workshops/seminars conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship year wise during the year
3.3 – Research Publications and Awards
3.3.1 – Number of Ph.Ds registered per eligible teacher during the year – How many Ph.Ds registered per eligible teacher within the year


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3.3.2 – Number of research papers per teachers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the year – Number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the year
3.3.3 – Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during the year – Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers in national/ international conference proceedings year wise during year
3.4 – Extension Activities
3.4.1 – Extension activities are carried out in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues, for their holistic development, and impact thereof during the year
The students of the college get involved in a number of activities which helps the students to sensitize themselves about the various burning problems and issues prevalent in the society. Every year,


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the students and faculties of the collegeIGaAcTPtUiRvIe, TlAyL.-pIaGrAtTiPUcRiIp, DaItSeTd.- NiAnSHIK,

the social and holistic programs like Village Cleanliness Drive, Tree Plantation, AIDS Awareness and Voter Registration. College organizing awareness lecture series on National Integration, Precautionin pandemic, Education, Corruption, Right to equality and Environmental awareness etc.


The N.S.S. volunteers and the N.C.C. cadets regularly organizes and conducts Tree Plantation, Celebration of important days, Blood Donation Camps, Road Safety Awareness Campaign, Cleanliness programs, AIDS Awareness Campaign, Water Conservation etc.This enables the students to establish their personal interactions with the people about the problems and issues prevalent in the society. The college has been striving hard to establish and expand the community network and resolve the various problems faced by the people in the society through the medium of various programs such as Public Health and Hygiene, HIV-AIDS Awareness, Disaster Management, Environment and Gender Equality.


The college organizes several thematic seminars, conferences and workshops inviting distinguished people from different walks of life to inculcate good citizenship and service orientated skills among the students.


The college establishes constant interactions with the students through various mediums. It also renders all sorts of supports and encouragements to its students for achieving the expected outcomes from the programs which can be witnessed from the students’ involvement and participation in various projects and programs. The college campus is Plastic, Tobacco and Smoking free zone.


The students of our college show extraordinary zeal, spirit and caliber in case of any natural ans man made calamity and disaster. The students of the college with NSS, NCC and SDO unit came forward and help to people. During COVID- Pandemic Our students distributed the mask as well as the aware about the pandemic.

3.4.2 – Number of awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government / government recognized bodies during the year


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IGATPURI, TAL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK, – Total number of awards and recognition received for extension activities from

Government/ Government recognized bodies year wise during the year

3.4.3 – Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC etc., ( including the programmes such as Swachh Bharat, AIDS awareness, Gender issues etc. and/or those organized in collaboration with industry, community and NGOs ) during the year – Number of extension and outreach Programs conducted in collaboration with industry, community and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., during the year
3.4.4 – Number of students participating in extension activities at 3.4.3. above during year – Total number of Students participating in extension activities conducted in collaboration with industry, community and Non- Government Organizations such as Swachh Bharat, AIDs awareness, Gender issue etc. year wise during year


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3.5 – Collaboration
3.5.1 – Number of Collaborative activities for research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange/ internship during the year – Number of Collaborative activities for research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange/ internship year wise during the year
3.5.2 – Number of functional MoUs with institutions, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc. during the year – Number of functional MoUs with Institutions of national, international importance, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc. year wise during the year



4.1 – Physical Facilities

4.1.1 – The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching- learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc.
The college was started in 1981. The spacious building of the college has all the facilities. The college is in close proximity to nature, with hills behind the college and National Highway NH-03 on the other side. The area of the campus is of around 8.5 acres which is sufficient to fulfil all the needs and requirements of the students.


The building premises has total seventeen class rooms, six laboratories, spacious library with reading room, two seminar halls and indoor gymnasium.The faculties use I.C.T. based teaching aids. The college has well-equipped laboratories with latest instruments for practical purposes. The computer systems are also available in laboratories, office, and library with internet facility. All computer systems are connected with L.A.N. Two wireless hubs are provided to the teaching faculties. Wireless connectivity has been made available for the students .


The department of Chemistry and Botany were constructed and renovated respectively through the C.S.R. fund. . The Vermi-compost Project is carried out by Zoology Department. In addition to this ‘Botanical Garden’ is also maintained by the Botany Department. The college is well-equipped with Wind-Solar Hybrid Power Plant maintained by the Department of Physics which helps to keep regular electricity-supply in the college. The library resources include textbooks, reference books, journals, newspapers etc. E-resources are subscribed under Inflibnet N-List programme. E-library is used for accessing digital resources for both the students as well as the teaching faculties. Library is automated using IT Software. The library management uses special software for issuing the books using barcode technology.


There are 71 computers in the college and 22 of them are in computer departments. 6 computers are kept in the library for the students.

12 computer are kept in the language lab. The rest is given in the office and department. The college has 20 MBPS net connectivity from BSNL. Also, the college has installed 4 smart boards. LCD projectors are installed in every classroom as well as seminar hall. The college has 14 printers and 4 scanners. The Computer laboratory is connected with L.A.N. network. It caters to the needs of not only the students of computer science but also the students of other streams. The department offers certificate courses to the students.


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Filling of online admission form, scholarIsGhAiTPpURfIo, TrAmL,.- IeGxAaTmPUiRnIa, DtIiSoTn.- NfAoSHrImK,

etc.are done in the computer laboratory at free of cost.


Each lab has a board for safety measures. A first aid kit as well as a fire extinguisher are fitted. Girls room is designed for girls students. NSS, NCC, Cultural and SDO are well equipped.


College construct the community college under the NSQF scheme, as well as developed the Sport department under the DSO grant.

4.1.2 – The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor), gymnasium, yoga centre etc.
The college has its own ground for sports and indoor games. The college is well-equipped with facilities for weight-lifting and power-lifting. ‘Green Gym’ is also available for students. The students enthusiastically participate in the sports activities at local, state, university and national level contests like Kabbadi, Kho-Kho, Volley Ball etc. The various equipments and instruments for playing indoor games such as Weight-lifting, Power-lifting, Carom, Chess, Table Tennis are available.


The students are encouraged to participate in national level marathon organized by the parent institute at Nashik. The students participate in district level as well as university level sports competitions.


The objective of social and cultural activities is to prepare students for real life and to strengthen and enhance their personal skills. Cultural activities not only help students develop themselves in a desired field but also improve skills in presentation, leadership and interpersonal communication. The students are encouraged to participate actively in the cultural program with an objective to do their all round


development. The college faculties toils very hard to develop students for different cultural avenues. The students participate in extra-curricular activities with a great zeal. The college has been


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regularly taking part in ‘Youth festivalI.GABTPeUsRiId, TeAsL,.- ItGhAeTPUcRoIl, DlIeSgTe.- NASHIK,

organizes various programs and contests such as drama, music, dance, flower arrangements, rangoli, skits, elocution, debate, essay writing, poem recitation, drawing etc. throughout the year.


The Annual Gathering proves to be an important platform for the students to express and display their artistic talent and creativity. All these competitions are conducted under supervision of efficient and expert faculties who act as guiding and motivating force. The parent institute started “Yuva-Spandan” a cultural program for all institutes to enhance cultural talents in students. The activities like Group Dance, Group Song, Classical Dance, Classical Singing, Theatre, Light Vocal Indian Music, Classical Instrument- Solo, Folk Orchestra etc. are performed every year in the Annual Gathering. The Samaj Din is celebrated at both local as well as institutional level on 19th August. The students and the faculties are felicitated for their achievements in the respective fields on the same occasion.


The college celebrates birth anniversaries and death anniversaries of renowned personalities to encourage students and to imbibe thoughts and visions of great personalities in them. Shiv jayantiis is celebrated to inculcate nationalism while ‘Reading Inspiration Day’ in the memory of respected Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam is celebrated to inspire the students. The Teachers Day, Guru-Pournima are also celebrated by the students to express their gratitude towards the faculties.

4.1.3 – Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS, etc.


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4.1.4 – Expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during the year (INR in Lakhs) – Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary during the year (INR in lakhs)
4.2 – Library as a Learning Resource
4.2.1 – Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)
A)   Library is automated using integrated library management software. The software is designed and developed by IT Soft. Its version is The software has following features :


I ) Master :


i)   Bookmaster : Material Entry


Here the administrator can update accession no, book title, author, publisher, subject category of books.


1.   Accession number : It consists of book number for the specified book


2.   Book title : It specifies the book ItGiAtTPlUeRI, TAL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK,

3.   Author : The author for the particular book

4.   Edition : The edition for the book

5.   Publisher : This specifies book publication details

6.   Subject category : This specifies the subject category to which the book categorizes

7.   Here the admin can register the new book to the library by specifying accession no, book title, transaction, material search, member details, book shelf, report.


ii)   Member Entry :


Here administrator can update Member Id, Full Name, Department, Mobile no, E mail – Id.


1.   Member Id : It specifies the students university number

2.   Category : The member specifies whether it is staff or student

3.   Full Name : The members full name

4.   Mobile no : It contains the members mobile number

5.   E mail – Id : The members email Id used for registration


iii)   Transaction detail :


The administrator can issue the books to staff and students. Similarly the books can be returned.


1.   Member Id : It specifies the students university number

2.   Member Name : The members full name

3.   Accession number : It contains the book number for the specified book

4.   Book name : It specifies the name of the book

5.   Subject : It specifies the subject of the book


iv)   Material Search :


The administrator can view the book title, subject, author name.


1.   Book title : It specifies the book title

2.   Subject : It specifies the subject of the book

3.   Author name : It specifies the author of the book


V)   Reports :


The report view shows the following


1.   Identity card viewer


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2.   Barcode printing                   IGATPURI, TAL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK,

3.   Accession register


The list of details shows the following


1.   List of members

2.   Book pending list

3.   Supplier bill details

4.2.2 – The institution has subscription for the following e-resources e-journals e- ShodhSindhu Shodhganga Membership e- books Databases Remote access toe-resources A. Any 4 or more of the above
4.2.3 – Expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e- journals during the year (INR in Lakhs) – Annual expenditure of purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e- journals during the year (INR in Lakhs)
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4.2.4 – Number per day usage of library by teachers and students ( foot falls and login data for

online access) (Data for the latest completed academic year) – Number of teachers and students using library per day over last one year
4.3 – IT Infrastructure
4.3.1 – Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi
TheMaratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj’sK.P.G. Arts, Commerce & Science College, Igatpuri has fully equipped with the IT facilities including the Wi-Fi. TheCollege having the total 71 computers.There are 22 computers installed in computer labfor the purpose for the BSc Computer Science and to fill up the different types of forms related with the educational purpose. There are 45Computers installed in various department and the office for the purpose of teaching, documentation, official work and the admission processes. Remaining 11 computers installed in the NSS, NCC, SDO, Auditorium Hall and Library. Every department is furnished with necessary number of computers with Wi-Fi and internet facilities along with necessary software. Maintenance policy decided by the Parent Institute. According to that parent institute assigned the authorized dealer for the maintenance. Maintenance of all computers is done with help of Viraj Computer,Nashik, Multinet computers, Nashik& Hi- Tech commuter, Nashik. All types of purchasing and maintenance done by the authorized dealer. Every department and the various units of the college submit a demand letter to the respective committee for maintenance and up gradation or creating new IT facilities. Up gradation is carried out from time to time depending on changes in syllabus, new practical prescribed and introduction of new technology.


Institute provide the Internet and Wi-Fi facility to all staff including students. In Library fix the router for Wi-Fi connectivity for the students. Also IQAC, Principal office, Computer Lab and some department fix the router. Institute taken the tariff plan of BB- NMEICT-20Mbps-ANNUALfrom the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL). If some times the problem arise related with the Wi-Fi and internet, which resolve thorough the BSNL office, Igatpuri.


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Every year at the end of the session, allIGcAoTPmUpRuIt, TeArLs.- IaGnAdTPUIRnIt, DeIrSnTe.- tNASHIK,

with Wi-Fi upgradation carried out by the respective authorized dealer.Updating of IT facilities hasa continuous process.

4.3.2 – Number of Computers
4.3.3 – Bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution C.10 – 30MBPS
4.4 – Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
4.4.1 – Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical and academic support facilities) excluding salary component during the year (INR in Lakhs) – Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical facilities and academic support facilities) excluding salary component during the year (INR in lakhs)


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4.4.2 – There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities – laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.
Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and


support facilities in the college are as follows…


1.   Most of the decisionregarding maintenance and the upkeep of infrastructure facilities has beentaken centrally by the MVP Samaj.


2.   Based on the need assessment formaintenance of equipment, furniture, laboratories and classrooms provisions areoptimally made.


3.   Principal informs the departments about funds available fordifferent purposes.


4.   Annual maintenance contract arranged and for a fewequipment’s breakdown call arrangements are optimal use of the resources.


Day to day works are carried out by staff appointed for cleaning andmaintaining the building.


6. Maintenance work of the newly installedinfrastructural facilities is done by respective supplier/agencies or serviceproviders.


7. Maintenance of bathrooms, service areas and security is done oncontractual basis Non Teaching staff are appointed for maintenance of physicalinfrastructure.(buildings, water supply, power supply and supervision).


ITI’s college, nashik of parent institute has the responsibilities of providingthe furniture and maintaining them.


9. The separate Non teaching staffs areappointed for all science


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departments for maintaining the furnitureI,GeAqTPuUiRpIm, TeAnLt.-IsG,ATaPUnRdI, DcIhSeTm.- iNcAaSHlIsK,

and glassware.


10.   Budget allocation to variousdepartments made at the beginning of the financial year considering theirrequirement for a few equipment, breakdown call arrangements are made foroptimal the resources.


11.   The College uses its funds in the best possiblemaintenance according to the allotted budget, Heads of the Departments inviteteachers to discuss the requirement of equipment, Chemicals/glass wares,furniture, books, and after discussion the orders are placed to the supplierswhich are nominated by the parent institute.


12.   The budget allocation is alsodone for various activities like sports, library, student activities, etc.


In order to the best utilization of funds, the college undergoes an audit checkevent.

The budget sanction is obtained from the LMC.

The publisher’scatalog periodically circulated to all departments to purchase new books. Booksrecommended by the teachers are purchased through the publishers and suppliersnominated by the parent institution.


16.   Newspapers: Daily News Papers (Lokmat,Loksatta, Sakal, Deshdoot, PunyaNagri, Divya Marathi, Times of India) andweeklies are made available.


17.   Books on General Knowledge, VariousCompetitive Examinations, and Year Books are purchased every year for updatingknowledge of teachers and students.

5.1 – Student Support
5.1.1 – Number of students benefited by scholarships and free ships provided by the Government during the year


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IGATPURI, TAL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK, – Number of students benefited by scholarships and free ships provided by the

Government during the year

5.1.2 – Number of students benefitted by scholarships, free ships etc. provided by the institution / non- government agencies during the year – Total number of students benefited by scholarships, free ships, etc provided by the institution / non- government agencies during the year
5.1.3 – Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution include the following: Soft skills Language and communication skills Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene) ICT/computing skills A. All of the above


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5.1.4 – Number of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling offered by the institution during the year
648 – Number of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling offered by the institution during the year
5.1.5 – The Institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases Implementation of guidelines of statutory/regulatory bodies Organization wide awareness and undertakings on policies with zero tolerance Mechanisms for submission of online/offline students’ grievances Timely redressal of the grievances through appropriate committees E. None of the above


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5.2 – Student Progression
5.2.1 – Number of placement of outgoing students during the year – Number of outgoing students placed during the year
5.2.2 – Number of students progressing to higher education during the year – Number of outgoing student progression to higher education
5.2.3 – Number of students qualifying in state/national/ international level examinations during the year (eg: JAM/CLAT/GATE/ GMAT/CAT/GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil Services/State government examinations)


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IGATPURI, TAL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK, – Number of students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations (eg:

JAM/CLAT/NET/ SLET/ GATE/ GMAT/CAT/GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil Services/ State government examinations) during the year

5.3 – Student Participation and Activities
5.3.1 – Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at university/state/national / international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the year – Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at university/state/ national / international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the year.
5.3.2 – Institution facilitates students’ representation and engagement in various administrative, co- curricular and extracurricular activities (student council/ students representation on various bodies as per established processes and norms )
Institution facilities the student’s representation in administrative, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. In an IQAC department one brightest students working as the student’s


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representative. In every classroom there IiGsATPcUlRaIs, TsALr.-eIpGrAeTsPUeRnIt, DaItSiTv.- eN,ASHIK,

they role as mentor for the classroom and solved the problems which arises inside the classroom. Overall, from all class rooms, there is one college representative. He or she actively involved in the policy making and express their views regarding student’s upgrade dements. A sport representative is also elected with the intention of creating interest amongst the students about various sports activities conducted in the college and at university level. The representative from the students is basically formed to solve various problems of the college and help the administration of the college maintain discipline amongst the student making the active involvement of the students in it. The students are groomed in leadership positions by making them in-charge of organizing various college and departmental events such as elocution competitions, debate competition, poster and quiz competitions, exhibitions and other departmental activities.


The members of the student representative directly participate in ‘Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony’. The students are involved in the decision-making mechanism in various ways.


The following are the tasks and responsibilities which are transparently executed by them:


·   They are involved in various plans and policies framed by the college.


·   The members of the student representative also play a vital role in maintaining discipline through the medium of Discipline Committee.


·   They take part actively in National Service Scheme, National Cadet Corps, Student Development


Scheme and cultural activities.

5.3.3 – Number of sports and cultural events/competitions in which students of the Institution participated during the year (organized by the institution/other institutions)


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IGATPURI, TAL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK, – Number of sports and cultural events/competitions in which students of the Institution

participated during the year

5.4 – Alumni Engagement
5.4.1 – There is a registered Alumni Association that contributes significantly to the development of the institution through financial and/or other support services
The college has a registered “Alumni Association” (Ref. No. Mah/2479/Na). Meetings are held twice in the year. The college is located in a tribal and hilly area. The students are from economically backward families. They try to find an earning source just after the completion of their education. Basically, they have to face many problems about getting employment so the college does not expect any financial support from them, but few of the alumni students donate funds to college. They are actively involved in the overall development of college.The college has established an ‘Alumni Association’ for the progression of the students. They participate in the College Annual Gathering and other celebrations such as Independence Day, Republic Day, Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony, Cultural Activities etc. Some departments invite their outstanding alumni for interactive sessions with the students and the faculties on the current issues. Many of the alumni are in regular contact with the faculties and contribute to the teaching learning processes indirectly by providing a variety of information. The alumni of the college assist the college and its students in different ways. The college also holds special meetings and programs with the successful alumni to motivate and inspire the students of the college


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5.4.2 – Alumni contribution during the year (INR in Lakhs) E. <1Lakhs
6.1 – Institutional Vision and Leadership
6.1.1 – The governance of the institution is reflective of and in tune with the vision and mission of the institution
The institutional Strategic/ perspective plan is effectively deployed.The principal monitors the mechanism regarding administration and academic processes. It also ensures proper functioning of the policies, rules and action-plans of the college. There are many committees to support the vision and mission of the college. For example, these are- the Examination cell, NSS, NCC, the Students Development Council, the Carrier and Competition Cell, the Library and Sports and Gymkhana committee, the Cultural and Arts committee, Internal examination committee, anti-ragging committee, college-magazine committee, UGC committee, disciplinary committee, scholarship committee, grievance redressal committee, etc.All the committees take its responsibility for the plans and activities, and successfully undertake these responsibilities in every academic session.


–   Entrepreneurship workshop of 3-days organized by Carrier and Counseling Cell


–   National Seminar organized in English, Science and Commerce in 2020-21


–   Ethical and moral values are developed in college through value added courses at B.Com and B A as mandatory ones.


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-Education tour and out-reach programs arIeGAoTPrUgRaIn, TiAzLe.-dIGbAyTPUtRhIe, DIST.- NASHIK,

departments of Geography, Botany, Zoology and Commerce.


-Guest Lectures are arranged by Department of political science, and the IQAC on Literacy Awareness, Voter Awareness, the Indian Constitution Awareness, .


– Cyber security Course conducted under the IQAC by Dept. of Computer Science.


-Constitution awareness and respect and oath taking program is organized by political Science department

6.1.2 – The effective leadership is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management.
The institution has a mechanism of providing operating autonomy to various


functionaries to ensure the decentralized governance system.


Managementlevel:The management is the apex governing the institution. The management ofthe institution is always trying to add development policies, technology,infrastructural development. All management of the institution provides thefund as per requirement for developmental activities in the college.

Principal Level: Principal is the member secretary of the governing body and


chairperson of the Institution. Principal in consultation with the teachers’


Council nominates different committees for planning, and implementation of


different academic, administration and related policies. All academic and


operational processes are based on the unIaGnAiTPmUoRuIs, TAdLe.-cIiGsAiToPUnRIo, DfIStTh.- eNASHIK,



body, the IQAC and teachers council.


Faculty level:Faculty members aregiven representation in various college committees as the governing body, IQACand different committees. Every year, the composition of different committeesis to ensure a uniform exposure of duties for academic and professionaldevelopment of faculty members.

Following are the few main committee during(2020-21):


Admission committee,Examination committees,UGC Proposal committee, Grant utilization committee,Library advisory committee,Student welfareDisciplinary committee,Cultural committeeand College campus developmentcommittee Following committees are constituted in accordance to governingbodies guidelines: Counselling, Career Guidance and Placement cell, RedressalCommittee,Website development committee,Anti ragging committee,PublicityCommitteeandIQAC committee.


The Student level:The students are participatingin following committee


IQAC committee, Class representative Cultural activity representatives,Gymkhana representatives


5. Non Teachingstaff level Non Teaching staff represented in the governing body and the IQAC.Suggestions of non teaching staff are considered while framing policies or


taking important decisions in participative management The institution promotesthe culture in participative management at the strategic level, functionallevel and operational level.


Strategic level: The Principal, governingTeachers council and the IQAC are involved in defining policy, procedures,framing guidelines, rules and regulations pertaining admission, examination,discipline, grievance, support services, etc.


2. Functional level: Facultymembers share knowledge among the students and staff members while working fora committee.

3. Operational level: The Principal interacts with government, Management, external agencies, faculty members and also maintains


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interactionswith the concerned departmentIsGAoTPfURaIf, TfAiLl.-iIaGtAiTnPUgRI, DIST.- NASHIK,

universities. Students and officestaff jointly with the Principal and faculty for the execution of differentacademic, administrative, extension related, co curricular and extracurricularactivities.

6.2 – Strategy Development and Deployment
6.2.1 – The institutional Strategic/ perspective plan is effectively deployed
Every year, the concerned committee plans for the development of the college and action plan is prepared by I.Q.A.C. With the guidelines of I.Q.A.C. feedbacks are taken from stakeholder, and students.

There are several examples of successful implementation of the activities based on the strategic plans prepared by the I.Q.A.C. The College Development Committee and I.Q.A.C. jointly take action. A requirement plan and necessary sanctions are sought and expenses are calculated. Management of the mother institute sanctions the same project in their meeting and allows college to proceed for purchases and implementation. Purchase Committee along with Principal check for available project managers for estimated cost and Quotations are sought and formal permission is granted by college and then Mother institute.


The IQAC provides the guidelines to the various departments to introduce and conduct certificate courses in computer, add-on certificate courses such as Beauty-Parlour Training Program, Web- Designing, Tally-ERP, short-term program like skill enhancement and certificate course like Travel and tourism, Soft-skill and Common Services in Rural and Tribal Areas etc. The college highlighted these demands in the action plan of the college which was reported yearly in the AQAR, submitted each year to the NAAC.




Implementation of online certificate course for Common Services in Rural and Tribal Areas.

Workshop on Yoga and Meditation Start-up and Innovation

To start certificate course in IT and Soft Skill enhancement


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in employability                   IGATPURI, TAL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK,

Environment Conservation program like Tree plantation and conservation, use of bicycle and plastic free campus.


Voter registration Campaign Road safety Campaign

Campus interview

Under Competitive cell, organized the lecture series Utilization of capital development grants sanctioned by U.G.C. Books were purchased as per demands of the students and faculties.

Purchase of instruments and equipment for science faculty.

6.2.2 – The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures, etc.
The College has its system of organizational structure for smooth functioning at all the fronts of administration and academic activities. However, most of the important decisions especially financial and alterations in the Administration are taken at the Parent Institute level.

The Management of Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj, Nashik has been highly committed to the mission and vision of the Samaj

i.e. ‘Mass education for the masses’ and ‘For the Happiness and Welfare of all.’ The functioning of the college has to be in the same order as expected by the parent institution. The Central Office of the management is there to take care of all the academic and socio-cultural affairs in the colleges run by it.

Appointments and service rules have been laid down by the Institution. An action plan of the Samaj is coordinated with the College, and they have to be co-ordinated and implemented for the benefits of the students and the community.


The planning of the financial budgets of the infrastructural development, raising funds for new construction of buildings and the right to expenditure at the college level are taken by the


management. For instance, the MVP Samaj hIaGsATPpUrRoIv, TiAdLe.-dIGtAhTePURfIi, DnIaSnTc.- iNaAlSHIK, aid to construct the buildings and meeting the need of payments of the non-grant faculty and staff during the last fifteen years of the college. The recommendations and imperatives are communicated to all the colleges and expected that all the branches


Local Managing Committee and various academic committees are in function to plan and implement academic, co-curricular and extension activities in the college.


The Principal and IQAC co-ordinator formulate the policies and plans for curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities of the college. The policies and plans are circulated to the committees, heads and the departments of the college. The Principal and vice- Principals monitor day-to-day activities of the college.


The Principal calls a staff meeting at the commencement of the academic year to work out the yearly plans. The Principal forms various committees and appoints chairperson on the basis of their potentials to run curricular and co-curricular activities.


The college has an effective internal co-ordination and monitoring mechanism for Academic, Financial and Administrative duties. The Principal, Vice-Principals, Heads of the Departments, Physical Director, NSS officers, IQAC coordinator and chairperson of various committees coordinate and monitor college activities.


Examination Committee co-ordinates and monitors the effective conduct of all examinations. The Time-Table Committee plans the academic work as per the college calendar. The academic, financial, cultural and social activities of the college are reviewed and conveyed to the management with regular meetings by IQAC.


At the end of the academic year, audited reports, progress and confidential reports of staff members are sent to the top management of the institution.


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6.2.3 – Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation Administration Finance and Accounts Student Admission and Support Examination IGATPURI, TAL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK,

A. All of the above

6.3 – Faculty Empowerment Strategies
6.3.1 – The institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non- teaching staff
Employee Welfare Fund (Sevak Kalyan Nidhi ) –This fund is utilize for the welfare of employees of MVP Samaj in the form of gift at the time of retirement of an employee and also financial support provided to the employees whenever required. Group health Insurance Policy- Institution has offered health insurance policy in collaboration with New India Assurance Company Ltd. up to Rupees Five Lakhs per annum for the family of the employee.

PF and Gratuity are available to the employees.

Two co-operative Credit Societies are available- The Nashik District College Teacher’s Credit Co-operative society Ltd. And Nashik District Maratha Vidya Prasarak Sanaj employees Co- operative society Ltd. are the two co-operative societies which are formed to provide financial assistance to its members. The Loan is provided at 7% per annum whereas interest is offered on deposit at 7% per annum. These institutions have provided financial assistance of more than one crors rupees to the families of members died due to Covid-19. Credit is provided up to maximum of rupees fifty lakhs and if the member dies naturally loan waived up to rupees twenty five lakhs is offered. Non –member employee is also eligible for financial assistance of rupees seventy five thousand in case of his/her natural death.

The Accident Insurance Policy Schemes

The Duty leaves for public welfare and administrative


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activities such as election duties,IGvAoTPtUeRrI, TrAeLg.-iIsGtArTaPUtRiIo, DnI.ST.- NASHIK,

The Child care leave and paternity leaves- up to maximum of 2 years for child care leave and for paternity leave maximum twice in the service for fifteen days each.

6.3.2 – Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/ workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the year – Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the year
6.3.3 – Number of professional development /administrative training programs organized by the institution for teaching and non-teaching staff during the year – Total number of professional development /administrative training Programmes organized by the institution for teaching and non teaching staff during the year


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6.3.4 – Number of teachers undergoing online/face-to-face Faculty development Programmes (FDP) during the year (Professional Development Programmes, Orientation / Induction Programmes, Refresher Course, Short Term Course etc.) – Total number of teachers attending professional development Programmes viz., Orientation / Induction Programme, Refresher Course, Short Term Course during the year
6.3.5 – Institutions Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non- teaching staff
Yes, the college follows Government, University and U.G.C. norms for recruitment and retention of faculty and other staff. The college does not have any faculty and staff drop out.


The college has the mechanism of ‘Self-Appraisal Report’ for Annual Performance Assessment of teaching and non-teaching staff regularly.


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The MVP Samaj has its own format and systIeGmATPfUoRrI, TaAsLs.-eIsGsAiTnPUgRIt, DhIeST.- NASHIK,

teachers to evaluate themselves their own performance every year. The HODs and the Principal have their justifications and remarks on the evaluation, suggestions and justifications given by the faculties. The filled up forms with endorsements are sent to the Central Office of the MVP Samaj which come to the ultimate decisions, intimations or considerations.


Intermittently, the Vice-Principal, the Principal and the IQAC coordinator can observe actual teaching classes, inspect the performance, and instruct if necessary for improvement or change in strategies.


The teachers’ informal evaluation by the students has also been the mechanism to get the teachers assessed by the learners with a positive sense. To know where the teaching goes and what chances are there to alter the strategies is the aim of this practice.


The demonstrations in the Staff Academy Lectures are the way of making suggestions for improving the teaching performance.


For the nonteaching staff a training workshops and meeting with the Management authorities have been arranged every year.


Felicitations of the toppers in the examinations, achievers, players, and researchers on the occasion of the Samaj Din.


MVP employees’ credit society and College Teachers’ Credit Society felicitate the faculty, the staff and their wards for their achievements, their success in examination and research activities.

6.4 – Financial Management and Resource Mobilization
6.4.1 – Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly Enumerate the various internal and external financial audits carried out during the year with the mechanism for settling audit objections within a maximum of 200 words
1.Internal Audit by the Chartered Accountant appointed by the authorities of the Management


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2. External Audit by the Joint Director HiIgGhAeTPrUREId, TuAcLa.-tIiGoAnT,PURPIu, DnIeST.- NASHIK,

Region, Pune


3. External Audit by the Account Officer, Higher Education Department, Pune Region, Pune


4. External audit by S.P.P.U. for funds provided by them such as Q.I.P., N.S.S., S.D.S., Examination Expenditures


5. External Audit of Research Funds by the Respective Funding Agencies (like




6.External audit by the office of the Principal Accountant General (Audit-I) Maharashtra, Mumbai.



The internal audit is conducted regularly by internal auditor. The objections regarding the audit are promptly resolved within the stipulated period. Suggestions made by the internal auditor for budget allotments are incorporated in the subsequent budget statements.


External audit made by the government agencies have to be undertaken from 2 to 6 are due for sometimes and the college awaits their visit. The final external audits conducted by the relevant agencies are carried out at the end of the grant period and accounts are settled. If these agencies have objections regarding the expenditure of funds utilized then such amounts are withdrawn from the final instalment. Similarly, if the funds are not utilized as per the rules and guidelines of the funding agencies, the funds have to be refunded with interest specified by the agencies.

6.4.2 – Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropers during the year (not covered in Criterion III) – Total Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, Philanthropers during


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the year (INR in Lakhs)                                                           IGATPURI, TAL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK,
6.4.3 – Institutional strategies for mobilization of funds and the optimal utilization of resources
The college has regularly budgetary allocations for day to day expenses and the budgets to the departments are allocated after the sanctions of LMC. The college prepares budget of every head of income and expenditure.


The major heads of income and expenditure of college accounts are–Salary, Fees, BOD grants, UGC funds, Building, Maintenance,

Equipments, Library, Laboratories, Sports, Examinations, NSS etc.


The college has formulated a purchase committee for optimal use of financial resources. The major purchasing and expenditure are done as per the norms of the management of the institution. All financial collections (fees and funding) are deposited in nationalized bank and all expenditure incurred (recurring and non-recurring) are executed through bank cheque. The college accounts are audited every financial year and reports are forwarded to the parent institute.


The college has applied for various schemes of BOD of Savitribai Phule Pune University for quality improvement and funds for tribal area development.


The college receives some grants from the UGC under the NSQF Courses and the infrastructural additions have been made for providing the modern amenities in the laboratories, Gymkhana and IT –based teaching learning activities.


The college has internal and the external audit system. Internal audit is done by auditors appointed by the parent institute and external audit is held by the state government.


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6.5 – Internal Quality Assurance System
6.5.1 – Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes
The college has Internal Quality Assurance Cell. The purpose behind its establishment is to sustain and propagate the quality in all the aspects of the college. It primarily functions for development of ‘Quality Culture’ in the college. The IQAC prepared yearly ‘action plan’ for innovative aspects which has resulted into increasing the number of activities. It provides information on various quality parameters, obtains feedbacks from students on quality aspects. It prepares documents of various activities and programs. The cell prepares the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per the NAAC guidelines and submits it to NAAC. The I.Q.A.C. comprises of members from student council, members from board of directors, experts, society representatives and alumni. The I.Q.A.C. plays an important role in overall development of the college by framing various strategies and take remedial measures for progress.


The following practices of the I.Q.A.C. with quality outcomes.


1.   Started the Certificate Course in Common Services in Rural and Tribal Areas


2.   Started the Certificate Course on Fundamental of Computer and Cyber Security.


3.   Organized the Webinar on


4.   Organized the Webinar on A national webinar on Literature and Translation


5.   Organized the Webinar on “Gender Bias and Stereo-typing,Gender


6.   Organized the Webinar on National Webinar on “National Integration”


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7.   Organized the Workshop on Yoga and MedIiGtAaTPtUiRoIn, T.AL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK,


8.   Started new course under the Science- BSc Botany.


9.   Arranged the Voter registration campaign.


10.   Organized the various Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities.

6.5.2 – The institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms and recorded the incremental improvement in various activities
Teaching learning process is continuously monitored and reviewed by the principal.





(Interaction with the affiliated University, Director & Joint Director of Higher Education Govt. of Maharashtra, UGC officials)
















HOD’s of various departments


?                                        IGATPURI, TAL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK,


Teachers Structure

At the end of each term, term end examinations are arranged. Examination results and attendance are submitted to the IQAC for further action.


IQAC collects feedback information from students on Teaching – Learning performance at the end of each semester. The information obtained is analyzed and steps to be taken for necessary improvements are passed on to the concerned departments.

The Learning – Outcomes are reviewed after conducting of Internal Examinations and it calls for a one-on one meeting with the faculty of each department to make an assessment of their performance. It evolves mechanism to record and monitor the performance of each student through Concerned Departments.


Methodologies of operations


The faculty members are encouraged to monitor the academic progress of each student. Attendance is kept for every lecture.

Automation of Admission Processes – Provision for online form filling has been pracitsed.

Examination Processes have been reformed as per demand of the Pandemic situations.

Curriculum Development Workshops/ webinars in many subjects have been conducted regularly.

Community College Courses under B.Voc. programmes are run by the college.

Green initiatives in Campus – tree plantation, Biodiversity Park, Biogas plant, solar photovoltaic power plants, e- vehicles etc.

10 MoUs with prestigious Institutes, Organizations, Govt agencies are signed and activated

Student manufactured products and Student managed outlets: Institute Uniforms and Dairy Products

ISO Certification has been obtained for the college last year.





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The effectiveness of academic programs anIdGAaTPcUtRiIv, TiAtLi.-eIsG,ATsPUtRuId, DeInStT.- NASHIK,

services are evaluated based on the results of Outcome Assessment. The results or assessment data is used by the faculty to plan and to improve academic activities.


It also helps in-


Increasing number of students from this area.


Identifying requirements of students in connection to teaching learning, employment, and financial facilities.


Utilizing accumulated funds collection to complete pending work.

6.5.3 – Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include: Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); Feedback collected, analyzed and used for improvements Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s) Participation in NIRF any other quality audit recognized by state, national or international agencies (ISO Certification, NBA) B. Any 3 of the above



7.1 – Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities

7.1.1 – Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the year
In every corner of system gender sensitive features are carefully observed. Gender equality has been kept updated by forming the committees like


1)   Anti-ragging,


2)   Ladies Forum


3)   Redressal Cell for Women at work and


4)   Equality Forum place and providing adequate facilities for girls.



A)   Earn and Learn scheme: – For the uplift and empowerment our college


provides student-oriented schemes like Earn and Learn scheme. The students are


selected on the basis of economic poverty and their needs. The selection is made


through proper procedure stepwise: Applications—scrutiny—interviews


keeping gender equality in view. The payment is given as per clock hour basis.


Mostly girls are working in library.


B)   Safety Facilities:


I]   Entrance: For safety measurements for girls and to avoid chaotic situation a security is made available. The closed-circuit cameras have been installed by the college to take the security measures.


II]   Parking facility: A well observed separate parking for two wheelers and bicycles for girls are one of the disciplines in our college.


III]   Study Room: Separate study room compartments in the library leads to excellent performance of girls.


IV]   Book issuing schedules are laid down IfGoArTPUiRsIs, TuAiLn.-gIGwAhTiPUcRhI, DmIaSrTk.- sNASHIK,



V]   Ladies Common Room and Wash Room: Ladies Common Room provision is made for girls. A notice board is placed in Ladies Common Room which displays notices specific for female students. Clean and hygiene Wash Rooms are available with ample water supply. Women faculty members take care of girls wherever necessary. Women faculty provides sanitary napkins if necessary and a Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine is also installed in ladies room, girls can purchase a sanitary napkin at just Rs. 5. A separate wash room is provided for female faculty members.


VI]   Drinking Water: A separate drinking Water facility is there for girls.


VII]   Canteen: Canteen facility is available in campus where a separate compartment is for girls.


VIII]   Health Camp: Every year Health camps & Blood donation camps are arranged by NSS & Students Development Council. For that Red Ribbon Club and P. H. C. Ghoti works jointly.


C)   Anti-Ragging and Discipline Committee: The College publishes its regulations in prospectus as well as in college campus. Ragging is criminal offence and UGC has notified Regulations on curbing the means of Ragging in highly educational institutions in order to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging. The college has its Anti-Ragging and Discipline committee, as per the University guidelines. These committees are having female and male


members and reports on six monthly basis.


D)   NSS Unit: NSS unit has 250 volunteers in which about 45% to 50% are girls. Every year a Special Winter Camp is organized to inculcate students with the importance of nature in rural areas.


E)   Students’ Welfare Unit: This unit is responsible for spreading awareness among students regarding life values and learning various life skills. The details of the programs organized by this unit are furnished in separate section of this report.


F)   NCC Unit: National Cadet Corp Unit train students for physical fitness and various disciplines of national defence system. Both boys and girls can seek admission for this course. After successful completion students can join various defence units of the country.


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Specific facilities provided for women in terms of:a. Safety and security b. Counseling c.

Common Rooms d. Day care center for young children e. Any other relevant information 4UY2aAf03YroBHLpjz9gUIYtnTtBJfFy


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7.1.2 – The Institution has facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures Solar energy Biogas plant Wheeling to the Grid Sensor-

based energy conservation Use of LED bulbs/ power efficient equipment

B. Any 3 of the above
7.1.3 – Describe the facilities in the Institution for the management of the following types of degradable and non-degradable waste (within 200 words) Solid waste management Liquid waste management Biomedical waste management E-waste management Waste recycling system Hazardous chemicals and radioactive waste management
The solid waste is separated into degradable and non-degradable waste. College installed the separate dustbin for collection of waste. After collection of waste it gets segregated and use for the next processing. The degradable waste is further utilized in production of bio-fertilizers in vermicompost plant. The college has set up a bio fertilizer plant in the college campus. The fertilizer produced by this plant is utilized for the trees in the campus and the farmers nearby the college areas are also benefitted from the same at large. In an effort to minimize the amount of chemical waste generated in the college campus, clean uncontaminated glassware and plastic wares are not used in the college premises. The chemical items are rinsed thrice with copious amounts of water. The useless and outdated chemicals are packed in sufficient packing material to prevent container damage route. A chemical waste label is attached to the dustbin. Unwanted clean non-broken glassware and plastic are packaged up by the laboratory personnel and taken to the dumpster.

The liquid waste from urinals and toilets is collected in separate


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underground tanks. E-waste is collected aInGdATPhUaRnId, TeAdL.-oIvGeArTPUtRoI, DeISWTa.- sNtAeSHIK,

Recycle India and M.V. P’s K.B.T. College of Engineering, Nashik for recycling. Important and usable parts are separated to build new items for schools of the institute. Remaining useless items are disposed of by recycling wastes systematically to ensure environmentally safe and sound disposal.

7.1.4 – Water conservation facilities available in the Institution: Rain water harvesting Bore well /Open well recharge Construction of tanks and bunds Waste water recycling Maintenance of water bodies and distribution system in the campus B. Any 3 of the above
7.1.5 – Green campus initiatives include  – The institutional initiatives for greening the campus are as follows:


1. Restricted entry of automobiles

2. Use of bicycles/ Battery-powered vehicles

3. Pedestrian-friendly pathways

4. Ban on use of plastic

5. Landscaping

A. Any 4 or All of the above


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7.1.6 – Quality audits on environment and energy are regularly undertaken by the institution – The institutional environment and energy initiatives are confirmed through the following 1.Green audit 2. Energy audit 3.Environment audit 4.Clean and green campus recognitions/awards 5. Beyond the campus environmental promotional activities A. Any 4 or all of the above
7.1.7 – The Institution has disabled-friendly, barrier free environment Built environment with ramps/lifts for easy access to classrooms. Disabled-friendly washrooms Signage including tactile path, lights, display boards and signposts Assistive technology and facilities for persons with disabilities (Divyangjan) accessible website, screen- reading software, mechanized equipment      5. Provision for enquiry and information : Human assistance, reader, scribe, soft copies of reading material, screen            reading A. Any 4 or all of the above


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7.1.8 – Describe the Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e., tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal socioeconomic and other diversities (within 200 words).
The College always tries to implement the policy of our Parent institute based on the maxim- ‘Bahujan Hitay Bahujan Sukhay’ and so believes in equality of all cultures and traditions as is evident from the fact that students belonging to different caste, religions, and also regions have been studying without any discrimination.

Though the institution has diverse socio-cultural background, we do not have any intolerance towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal socio economic and other diversities.


With great fervour the national festivals, birth anniversaries and memorials of great Indian personalities like Mahatma Gandhi Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Savitribai Phule, Karmaveer Punjababa Goardhane, Samajdin etc. On birth anniversary of all these national leaders, the college celebrates Prerana din, National value and responsibility din, Rashtriya Ekta Diwas every year.


The institution organizes Youth Week, Yuvaspandan, and Cultural festival. SWO, NSS and NCC Units of our college organize various activities related different national festivals and also participate in various programmes related to social issues organized by other colleges. A Competitive examination is conducted by the Gandhi Foundation Jalgaon on “Gandhian Thoughts and Values and its Relevance in Today’s Life”; the workshop in ‘The Role of the youth towards Social Responsibility and Social Work’ by Karmaveer of the MVP Samaj, Workshop on ‘Human Rights?, talk on „Women in Social and Political Movement’ by Dept. of Political Science, awareness program on “Banking and its Benefits”by Dept. of Commerce. Various departments of Science and Commerce organize field study and tours


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to visit industries. Faculty and studentsIGaArTPeUReIx, TpAoLs.-eIdGAtToPURtIh, DeIST.- NASHIK,

different by allowing them to visit and participate in social, cultural and academic activities.


Our college has National and Socio-cultural Exchange Programs with other colleges and organizations such as- Maharashtra Travel and Tourism, Swami Vivekananda Bahuudasiya Sanstha,Choudhary Yatra Company, Pvt. LtD., Nashik,Tahsil Office Igatpuri etc. The students of our institution organize cultural programme depicting Local, State and National culture. Similarly, our students during the reciprocal visits get the opportunity to know and understand the socio-cultural diversity and bonding.

7.1.9 – Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens
The college working begins with singing the national anthem. The students and employees have been made aware of the constitution, its values, personal rights, duties, responsibilities and role of the college in inculcating all these among them and society. The college has taken the initiation of introducing the Constitution of India as an additional course-‘Democracy Election and Governance’ to its students besides organizing sensitization and awareness programmes in the college regarding Human Rights, Fundamental Rights, Legal Awareness, Traffic Awareness, Civil Safety, Values etc. ?


A legal awareness program was held in the college in association with the local legal services Igatpuri and Adv. Vijaymala Waje. Mr.Pale Saheb, PI Police Station Ghoti and Mr. Ratnaparakhi, PI of Igatpuri Police Station educated the young students regarding the traffic rules and regulations and also about students role in society. Principal Dr. P. R. Bhabad has explained students responsibilities to control this evil culture of ragging or nuisance to anybody.


Celebration of National Days, blood donation camps, HB checkups and health awareness camps have been the regular activities held in the college with the association of Ghoti Primary Health Centre, Dr.


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Vasantrao Pawar Medical College and ReseaIrGcAhTPUCReIn, TtArLe.-,IGNAaTsPUhRiIk, D,ISaTn.- dNASHIK,

Primary Health Centre Igatpuri. Martyr’s Day and 26thNov. Day-Black Day Terrorists’ Attack have been observed in the college to make youth aware of dedication and commitment of Police and Army Soldiers. The college organized the COVID-19 vaccination camp; the students visited some villages to make villagers aware of the pandemic situation and personal care and vaccines.


The environmental awareness activities like cleanliness, use of solar energy, plastic free area, and pollution free campus have been performed on the college campus intermittently. The NSS volunteers and NCC cadets along with other students have the regular involvement in these activities. The plantations in the Botanical garden and on the campus are planted to keep the campus green and flowery. For the updating all this we get the Green Audit done for improving and adding more to this area within two years.

7.1.10 – The Institution has a prescribed code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff and conducts periodic programmes in this regard. The Code of Conduct is displayed on the website There is a committee to monitor adherence to the Code of Conduct Institution organizes professional ethics programmes for students,

teachers, administrators and other staff       4.

Annual awareness programmes on Code of Conduct are organized

A. All of the above


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Code of ethics policy document View File
Details of the monitoring committee composition and minutes of the committee meeting, number of programmes organized, reports on the various programs etc., in support of the claims View File
Any other relevant information View File


7.1.11 – Institution celebrates / organizes national and international commemorative days, events and festivals
The college organizes a number of activities throughout the year. That contributes to develop human values and professional ethics among the staff, students and the society at large. These include celebration of festivals like ‘Ganpati Festival’, ‘Shiv Jayanti, National Days, Celebration of birth and death anniversaries of national leaders, awareness campaigns through competitions, exhibitions, lectures, street plays and blood donation camps. The students regularly take part in N.S.S. and N.C.C. activities and visit NGOs. Academic activities also focus on inculcating ethics, skills, values and integrity among the students. The college organized the capability enhancement program like yoga and meditations, national integration, voter registration campaign and Road safety campaign. The college started special purpose course, viz, Gandhi Vichar Manch. A student joining this course has to study the morals and value systems taught by Mahatma Gandhi and thereafter has to appear for an examination based on the syllabus. The certificates are issued to the successful candidates on passing the test. The postgraduate students study various subjects like Human Rights, Cyber Security, Business Ethics which focus on spreading value-based ideas in the students. Apart from this college organized the co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities. On occasions like celebration of Maharashtra Day, Independence Day, Republic Day and Founder’s Day, the external resource persons and principal address the faculties and students to motivate them. As part of the academic training, students are taught cyber security, environmental consciousness, gender equality etc.


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Annual report of the celebrations and commemorative events for the last (During the year) View File
Geo tagged photographs of some of the events View File
Any other relevant information No File Uploaded


7.2 – Best Practices
7.2.1 – Describe two best practices successfully implemented by the Institution as per NAAC format provided in the Manual.
“New Voter Registration Campaign 2020-21”



1)   Title of the Practice:-“New Voter Registration Campaign-2020-21”


2)   Objective of the Practice: –


1)   Help to get adult voting right, identity card to students who have completed 18 years.


2)   To aware the right to be an ideal citizen and to exercise the right to vote.


3)   Creating feelings of loyalty, love and duty towards the nation.


3) The Context: –


In the academic year, 2020-21 under the guidance of principal Dr. P.

R. Bhabad K.P.G Arts, Commerce and Science College, Igatpuri has conducted a new voter registration campaign from 28 June 2020 to 25th January 2021. 25th January 2021 was celebrated as National voters’ day as a part of the new voter registration campaign.


This Democracy Week was celebrated with various activities in the college. Also, under the guidance of the Government of Maharashtra. The notice was displayed on the notice board regarding the new voter registration process. The students of first year B. A/ B.Com/ B.Sc. who have completed 18 years of their age were provided with form number 6 . Students were guided to fill in the form and were asked to attach the necessary documents. The complete filled form number 6 was submitted to the department of political science. In this new voter registration campaign total of 59 out of 47 boys and 12 girls


became eligible for Online registration aInGdATPtUoRtIa, TlAL2.-3IGoAuTtPURoIf, DI0S9T.- BNoAySHsIK,

and 14 Girls became eligible for offline registration . The complete form and the list of the students were submitted in the tahsildar office Igatpuri.


Throughout this campaign, the students will get a voter ID card from the Tahsil by post all of the registered students will get the right of voting. Department of political science K.P.G Arts, Commerce and Science College Igatpuri has successfully done the work of new registration of voters as a support to the democracy of the nation. This program was successfully carried out under the guidance of Principal Dr. P. R. Bhabad, and with the cooperation of teaching, and non-teaching staff.


4)   The Practice:


Every year, voter registration campaign is implemented in our college onthe occasion of Voters’ Day on 25th January.


5)   Evidences of Success): –


1)   Newly registered voters get an identity card from the Election Commission.


2)   As students are registered as voters, their names appear in the village/town voter list.


3)   Citizens of a democratic country will be ideal, aware and loyal.


6) Problems Encountered and Resource Required: –


1)   Assisted in fulfilling the documents on the occasion of new voter registration.


2)   Collected information with the help of form registration.


7) Notes –


1)   Report – –


2)   Student List



““College Online Service Centre ’’






1)   Title of the Practice: – “College Online Service Centre’’”


2)   Objectives of the Practice: –


1)   To help a tribal areas students by providing facility of Online Service to students in


college under guidance of staff.


2)   To increase the internet knowledge and allow them filling Merit Forms, Admission


forms, and several others independently.


3)   To give training to students for filling their various online forms.


3) The Context


MVP’s KPG Arts, Commerce and Science College is located in tribal area so around of


college those students are staying they are not getting internet connectivity, mobile network & most of


the students does not having smartphone.


In our college one computer lab with 24 PCS & our language lab contains 10 PCS Connected


with 20MBPS internet broadband. This labs gives facility to students to fill their online form in off


time when lab is free under the guidance of concern faculty teacher.

We utilize our resources


maximum it helps our tribal area students.


Our college has form committee, teachers has well trained by computer science department.


the trainee teachers has guide to other students.


1)   Our Online Form Filling Centre journeyIGsAtTPaUrRtIs, TAwLh.-eInGAsTtPUuRdIe, DnItSsT.- cNoAmSHeIK,

in college by filling online


merit form & admission form under the guidance of teachers.


2)   After taking admission our most of students from reserve category so our centre helps


students filling there Scholarship Form, EBC Form & Hostel form and solves there query


occurs while filling form.


3)   To help students for filling Online Examination Form, Migration Form and Convocation


Certificate Form of SPPU.


4)   Our Centre helps the students while filling Competitive Examination Form & various CET




5)   Our Centre provides information how to make resume under guidance of teachers.



4)   The Practice: Every year as per students’ need.



5)   Evidences of Success)


1)   Students learnt to fill the forms, and they guided other students too.


2)   Students became aware of online form filling; now they are exposed to online processes.


3)   It has been helpful to students from economically backward situation.


6) Problems Encountered and Resource Required


1) Sometimes when internet fiber break the line so getting network problem.


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Best practices in the Institutional website practices/

Any other relevant information  



2) Not having sufficient requirement of pIrGiAnTPtUeRrIs, TAaLn.-dIGsAcTaPUnRnIe, DrI.ST.- NASHIK,


7) Notes –


1)   Report – –


2)   Committee Members-.

7.3 – Institutional Distinctiveness
7.3.1 – Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust within 200 words
The motto of the mother institute is “Bahujan Hitay, Bahujan Sukhay” (For the well-being of all masses). On the principle of motto, our institute working for the students. Institute situated in rural and tribal area. Most of the students belong to economically weaker sections of society. The college has made higher education accessible to these students. College provides all types of ICT based facility to the students. Under the computer departments there is provision for merit form filling, exam form filling and necessary educational facility without any cost. For this purpose, college runs one Certificate Course in Common Services in Rural and Tribal Areas under the NSQF-UGC scheme. Also, one course “Certificate Course on Fundamental of Computer and Cyber Security conducted by the college to get the basic knowledge to the students. For better teaching learning process, college develop the ICT facility inside the college. All Classroom equipped with the LCD projector with Wi- Fi. Due to optimal utilization of ICT and Wi-Fi facility all students get benefited.


Various types of scholarship available to the students. Time to time scholarship notice circulated inside the college as well as on the social media. All types of scholarship and related services provided by the college free of cost to the students. Along with this poor boy’s fund available for the students. Earn and Learn Scheme under


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Appropriate web in the Institutional website View File
Any other relevant information No File Uploaded


the student development made available foIrGAtTPhUeRIs, TtAuLd.-eInGtAsT.PURI, DIST.- NASHIK,
7.3.2 – Plan of action for the next academic year
Criterion I Curricular Aspects


1.   To start add on andcertificate courses


2.   To introduce new course or programmee Criterion II Teaching Learning and Evaluation

1.   Maximum use of ICT in teaching and learning processes.


2.   To organize Webinar through digital platform.


3.   To Encourage faculty to use social media for sharing e-content.


4.   To organize study tours, field visits and industrial visits, student seminars


5.   To employ innovative means of assessment such as continuous assessment, home assignment, group discussion etc


Criterion III Research, Consultancy and Extension


1.   To encourage Departments to arrange seminars/workshops/ conferences.


2.   To organize workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)


3.   To encourage the faculty to publish their research work in reputed peer-reviewed international and National Journal


4.   To encourage the faculty for Patent.


Criterion IV: Infrastructure and learning/ resources


1.   To provide more facilities to Administrative Office and Library such as computers, internet, LAN, software etc


2.   To buy new textbooks and reference booIkGsATPaUnRdI, TsAuLb.-sIcGrAiTbPUeRIt, DoISnTe.- wNASHIK,



3.   To procure e-resources: E-books. E-journals, e-learning resources.


4.   To start the fundamental courses for learning.


5.   To pay special attention to maintenance of infrastructure, equipment and other facilities.


Criterion V: Student support and progression


1. To enhancesupport system for students to fill online merit forms, admission forms, scholarship forms, examination forms or any other information to be submitted online.


2. To enhance coaching for competitive examination for students.


3. To enhance students counseling and career guidance center activities.


4. To enhance and undertake placement activities of students by organizing campus for campus placement and extending help in the off campus placement.


6.   To organize gender sensitization women empowerment programmes.


7.   To ensure participation of more students in sports and sports competitions.


Criterion VI: Governance, Leadership and Management


1.   To strive to realize the goals of the college through sustained implementation of the objectives of the college under the guidance of the management of the parent institution.


2.   To organize the Staff Academy series.


3.   To hold periodical meetings with the Faculty, Non-teaching staff and the students to convey important


Criterion VII: Institutional values and Best Practices.


1.   To Conduct the Green Audit and Environmental Audit.


2.   To conduct the Gender Audit.          IGATPURI, TAL.- IGATPURI, DIST.- NASHIK,


3.   To organize Institutional best practice is the Voter ID registration.